David Duke Rides to Ron Paul’s Rescue

Surprise! From the seditious, Irish haters own website:

Well, the Anti-Defamation League has exhibited another acute attack of foot-in-mouth disease by attacking the extremely popular presidential candidate Ron Paul. Ron Paul’s supporters come from all walks of life. They are white, black, Asian, heterosexual, homosexual, Catholic, Protestant, Wiccan and Jewish. Probably no other candidate has shown such a broad appeal, or excited such intense commitment in his supporters. There’s a reason for this other than his good looks, of course, which we’ll explore in a minute. (What the..!?!?) But the Anti-Defamation League, the self-selected determiners of which thoughts people are allowed to think, has selected ONE group of Ron Paul supporters as particularly troublesome: so-called “White Supremacists.” Specifically, the ADL’s assistant director of civil rights, Steven Freeman, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency his organization planned to communicate with Dr. Paul privately and urge him to distance himself from those groups. “If he doesn’t do that, then we will decide what we’re going to say publicly about it,” Freeman said. Because the ADL is so tangled in its own ridiculous rhetoric and lies, they don’t understand why so many pro-European-American activists have endorsed and supported Ron Paul’s candidacy. However, it’s vital to note that not everyone agrees 110% with each and every one of Dr. Paul’s election planks. That would be an impossible feat. The issue here is that, in the minds of a growing number of people, Ron Paul represents the best hope for America.

So suddenly Ron Paul has “broad appeal” (I’ve never seen a Paul Supporter who wasn’t White myself) and a man who claims Jews secretly run America (and are evil) and that Blacks will collapse America because all Blacks are sponges on welfare (and they’re evil) thinks that’s a good thing?

I don’t buy it. Read the whole thing and tell me if you do.

Of course Duke himself didn’t write the article, two Nazis with raging man crushes of “Dr. Paul” did. But Duke ultimately made the decision to post it, along with these two fallacious defenses of America’s last hope. Duke supports Paul and expects us to think that he’s willing to do so standing shoulder to shoulder with Blacks, Asians, Jews and Homosexuals.

Again, I don’t buy it. If Paul had a large minority or gay following Duke and company would be avoiding him like the plague. And does anyone really think a candidate who Jews, any Jews, were supporting would actually be acceptable to neo-Nazis?

Again, I don’t buy it. One need only read Duke’s own writings to know exactly what kind of man he’d support for President.

Speaking of Nazi support for Paul, I see that the Paulites newest fund raising gimmick, a new Boston Tea Party is being heavily promoted by the usual suspects, including a V.N.N. forum member with the delightful sobriquet “burnjewburn” from the Louisville KY area.

I know that’s not technically a sobriquet but it flows so nicely there. Anyway burnjewburn is responsible for sending White Nationalists to these two Ron Paul forums to recruit because the Paul supporters were “ready” for the truth.

If your official sites forums are seen as a good recruiting ground for White Nationalists, don’t you think you’re doing something wrong?

2 thoughts on “David Duke Rides to Ron Paul’s Rescue

  1. “If your official sites forums are seen as a good recruiting ground for White Nationalists, don’t you think you’re doing something wrong?”

    Not necessarily, I think it is more because some of those with radical view s such as “White Nationalists”, Nazi’s, etc. are so starved for attention they foist themselves upon any group that in thier mind justifies their stance. It doesn’t mean the group does justify their stance, they just seek for any justification they can find of their view.

    Case in point, the Democrat party has a few radical supporters of its own, they are hopefully not what the Democratic party is about, but they hang on since the party gives them legitimacy and a platform for their views.

  2. Ron Paul is a nice guy and all, but if you want a real candidate with real values, then you want Hillary Clinton. We need some change in America and we need it now.

    I like to think of America as a suffering patient, where Hillary is an experienced doctor. What we need here is some good medicine.

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