Critical Mass Cycle Cult Attacks Family!

When will the police stand up to this cult of spandex clad eco-terrorists who are criticized even by those who support them for the frequent violent clashes that the hardcore members intentionally provoke? Here in NYC these heathen are almost always instigating violence on the streets, but nothing that has been done here compares with this new outrage in San Fransisco where Critical Mass riders attacked a minivan containing a couple and their two children and three pre-teen friends of the couple’s daughter. The family was celebrating the birthday of their 11-year old daughter when the attack, which caused $5000 in damage to the minivan, occurred.

It was reported that cyclists shattered the back window while the terrified children screamed and cried for help. The leering mob ignored the occupants tears as they savaged the vehicle in full view of SF Police who have no ability to control the filthy mobs of neo-hippies. Critical mass is the darling of the far left who encourage the protests to be as violent as possible, and as their protests grow in size they will grow in violence until the police put the brakes on the excesses of these rolling caravans of mayhem.

Hopefully no one will die before they do.

2 thoughts on “Critical Mass Cycle Cult Attacks Family!

  1. I say a promotion of the Second Amendment should be in order, when these thugs on bikes come to a town near you. Makes your average biker gang look like bunnies in black trenchcoats.

  2. They will one day choose the wrong victim. In my state your car is considered your property, just as your home, and you may carry a gun openly in sight, without a license to carry. And if you are defending you self or your passengers you are in the right if your in fear of your life to shoot! It is a shame that these idiots are not immediately brought down by law enforcement and jailed!

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