Creepy, Fascist Lefty Video Features “Celebrity” Chris Schiflett “Forming a Posse” for Mass Arrests of Businessmen

I’m not familiar with Chris Shifflett so I’m taking other people’s word for it that he’s actually considered a celebrity, though his inflated sense of self-importance as evidenced by this Nazi-esque propaganda film shows that at least he believes he is. I’m told he’s in the band Foo Fighters but being Metal ’till I Die I wouldn’t know. Nor do I care.

But imagine if a Republican administration had minor celebrities calling for the formation of a posse to arrest those they consider enemies of the state? You couldn’t contain the outrage. But when it’s done for the great Obama no big deal I guess.

The enemies they plan on arresting, by the way, are businessmen and women in what I find an eerie echo of Mao’s pogrom against landlords. I assume the next step for the astroturfed group responsible for this madness is to open up camps with which we evil capitalists can be re-educated through beatings, rapes, and murder.

Like I said, creepy and fascist. This makeshift militant wing of Health Care for America Now! has its own website called The Citizens’ Posse which shows this was not a one off publicity stunt but an organized campaign of intimidation and harassment on the perceived enemies of the neo-Marxist left implicitly approved of by the progressive Obama administration.

On the Citizens’ Posse website there are wanted posters featuring the pictures of business people and trumped up charges like “45,000 Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter”  as well as links to yet another astroturfed website that tells this not so secret police where these people will be. This is a recipe for violence and mayhem.

Coincidentally, the energy executive who was missing in New Orleans and was later found drowned in the Mississippi river was  theoretically one of the “domestic enemies” listed by Schiflett in the video. The man had just attended a function at a college (where most progressive protesters are recruited from) before mysteriously ending up in the drink even though the river was no where near the route he would take from the bar he was last seen in or the hotel he was heading to. Odd, wouldn’t you say?

Of course, he was just another “domestic enemy” so why should we care?

The Citizens’ Posse is not a protest, it is the beginning of a dangerous regression to early 20th century leftist tactics. If we continue to allow the left to escalate we will be pulling businessmen out of rivers in the thousands. Then it’ll be Jews, Christians, Republicans and finally everyone who isn’t on board with the Soros-funded Stalinist vision of America’s future Chris Schiflett promotes.