The maniac brought his his 2-3-year-old son along with him. At the very least they could have taken the psycho’s kid and ran to the police, but instead the craven passengers left both the child and victim on the train while this madman literally tried to kill a random stranger. Worst part of the attack: 911 only received one phone call.
This unusual for Philly. They’d normally kick the shit out of someone like this.
It’s the Philly way.
Maybe they were tourists. This looks like NYC style action to me.
I blame the stupid Stop Snitching movement for discouraging the passengers to gang up on the maniac. I would have punched the individual if it happened on the subway system in Los Angeles.
Agreed. I was shocked to see the man next to him simply take off and not even bother to help. Like Detroit, if enough people adopt this policy of looking the other way Philly will be lose all it’s law abiding citizens.
I would also support promoting something equal to air marshalls for the subway, that can be from the local law enforcement of the city. Since it seems it might be a tad unorthodox to bring a loaded weapon via Second Amendment on the subway even when an incident like this is exposed.
I don’t think it would be suitable even for lawful citizens to carry weapons on public transportation sytems, law enforcement from the local police should be responsible as subway marshalls to take control of situations like this.