Code Pink Activists Say WW II Was Wrong, All Marines are War Criminals

Courtesy of the San Fransisco College Republicans via Midnight Blue we have Code Pink in 1:46. A collection of armchair revolutionaries who claim that we live in a Fascist state while asking “what’s wrong with Communism anyway?” while their rich husbands are out making their juvenile displays possible. It’s no wonder most of them have mistresses.

Take away quotes at :36, :43, 1:12 and 1:16. The best comes at 1:24 when a woman says Al-Qaeda is not a threat to America. I guess she’s a truther:


For all their talk about resisting Fascism it’s pretty clear that they all dream about the day when they could don their commissar uniform and have the young man taping them “re-educated” with a bullet to the back of the brain.

Code Pink are racists who incite riots, and refused to lift a finger to help Cuban political prisoners, you know people who really are being oppressed. Since they’re being oppressed by Communists that makes it all right.

Code Pink encouraged the violent protests of Ed Brown and have committed treason more than once. These are the people Democrats are protecting from having to answer for their outrageous behavior.

It’s disgusting and a sign of things to come.