Child Pornographer Gets Light Sentence from Washington Judge

A 59-year-old degenerate gets caught with pornographic images of a underage girl he met on MySpace, a girl he also had inappropriate sexual contact with and showed child pornography to, and what does he get? Six months, and a maximum of four years of sex offender “treatment” that will no doubt be courtesy of the good taxpayers of Washington. Disgusting:

MOUNT VERNON — A judge sentenced a 59-year-old La Conner businessman to sex offender treatment Thursday for taking sexually explicit photos of a minor girl and posting them on a MySpace page, touching her inappropriately and showing her child pornography.

Skagit County Superior Court Judge Mike Rickert ordered Stephen A. Burks to six months in the Skagit County Jail and to complete the special sex offender sentencing alternative, which could take three or four years.


Burks is eligible for a work release program while he is at the jail.

He owns a gas station and video store in La Conner, is married and has two grown children, according to court documents.

He pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor, child molestation, possessing pictures of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and dealing in photos of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Several similar charges were dropped as part of the plea deal.

Now at least you know where not to raise your children.

h/t Trench Reynolds

4 thoughts on “Child Pornographer Gets Light Sentence from Washington Judge

  1. “Well at least he got sentenced!”

    But that’s just a light pat on the wrist… not even a slap.
    I hope, at the very least, he’s going to be on the SOR for the rest of his life. Or maybe one of his fellow inmates will do the world a favor when they hear of his light sentence. Seriously, some thieves get worse sentences than this.

  2. The sad part is if you look at what Judges give people like this in VT etc six months seems pretty harsh to them. I’d have given him ten years at least, depending on the age of the girl (who I assume is a teenager since she was on MySpace) but this country is really failing it’s children.

  3. I know, it’s pretty pathetic. (Mental note: Never move to VT.)

    Part of the problem is that most of those who are disgusted by this don’t take the time to let their local lawmakers know how they feel. If we want to change it, we need to actually do something, put in some effort. People need to be in contact with their state reps, senators, and congresspeople.

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