In a shocking development it was discovered that coke addicted, wife beating crank Charlie Sheen is abusive to women. From IBBB:
Remember when Alec left his 11-year old daughter a voicemail saying she was a rude little pig? Ah, those were simpler times. Now, according to the NY Post, Charlie Sheen has said the following “gems” to Denise Richards. Buckle up.
* “You are a pig. A sad, jobless pig who is sad and talentless and sad and jobless and evil and a bad mom, so go [bleep] yourself sad jobless pig”
* “You are an evil piece of [bleep]. I can’t wait to tell the world what a piece of [bleep] you are. You don’t get a [bleeping] dime till this is resolved”
I love the whole “you are a pig” method of insults. I’m going to start using that phrase in my daily life starting today.
For the record, the “talentless pig he’s harassing by phone is Denise Richards, who looks like this:
I guess the excrementitious Mrjonez55 wrangles in such a high class cadre of babes exposing himself over the Internet that he thinks the hot model above is a “pig.”
I also was under the impression Richards had a very important job already, namely raising the Sheen spawn she is currently not receiving child support for.
Is it surprising that a 9-11 truther is also a wife beating, drug addled, pedophilic piece of White trash?
Not if you’ve met this guy.