Her comments to Secretary Rice were unseemly, childish and breathtakingly inappropriate. But Dr.Rice has always been a target for disrespect by the left, because she’s an independent Black woman who doesn’t need the illusionary largess of white liberals to get by. The real question should be would Boxer, or any on the left, base a criticism of a white woman on whether or not she had children?
At the core of her question is the racist assumption that Black women are just supposed to have children, that single or not Blacks breed like livestock and a single woman who reaches middle age childless has something wrong with her. Like all white “liberals” Boxer views Black women the way breeders view rabbits, as a commodity that becomes useless when it stops squeezing out babies to be sold. That’s when they put them on the chopping block, like Boxer and the left have done to Dr. Rice.