Barack Obama Wants You to be Raped and Murdered at Home

I’m paraphrasing the argument made in this N.R.A. political ad:


It is the most basic right all humans are naturally endowed with, the right to defend your life and that of your loved ones. Obama voted four times to take that right from you. Will you vote to give him a chance to try for number five? Country First!

via Gateway Pundit

2 thoughts on “Barack Obama Wants You to be Raped and Murdered at Home

  1. It makes no difference who is President. Our Liberty in America has already been lost. Weapons are being taken away as I type this message. Citizens have no right to defend them selfs. District Attorneys will all say at trial the Judge will advise juries of ones right nto defend ones self. which is true. Thing is that once anyone has been taken to trial a FRAUD has been committed against them. An there is no avenue of recovery for some one that has proven them selfs inncent of a charge. It takes not less than $25,000.00 to put on a trial of self defense. If the defentent wins he is free. But the money is his loss.

    Remember this “You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one. (after stringent review of your assets and financial standing.) One will be PROVIDED at no cost. Other wise defend your self at your own risk. If agents of the government are incorrect. The government will stand behind its agents all the way to your death if necessary. So if the Government offers a plea bargain. You had better consider, the government will take all your assets , then devided them between the court and the Attorneys, then find you guilty, fine you and imprision you. Then throw you to support their system of “SOCALISM”.

    The Government will brand you for life with a lable that prevents one from achiving gainful employment. Then it will harass you to death all the wat to your grave side.

    Is this the America you want to live in. If not Prepare for CIVIL WAR. This is all that will change what is upon all of AMERICA.

    Freedom was paid for with BLOOD. Liberty is won with BLOOD. If your are not ready to die for LIBERTY, “YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE AMERICAN.”

    America stands for FREEDOM. Fight or DIE.

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