Anti-Christian Hate Crime in Oregon

Merry Christmas Oregon:

EUGENE, Ore. — Vandals stole baby Jesus figures from two nativity scenes in Eugene, leaving severed pigs heads in their places.

Police are calling it a possible bias crime, because the vandalism was aimed at a religious icon.

Both incidents occurred sometime during the night at residences within a few doors of each other on Elmira Street.

David Stahl, one of the two homeowners, said various lawn ornaments have been stolen or vandalized in the past few years, but the latest incident went too far.

Stahl said it was apparent the act was intended to offend.

“The vandals didn’t disturb anything else in the yard,” Stahl told the Register-Guard. “They just took the baby Jesus and left the pig’s head.”

Jennifer Cooper, the daughter of the other couple whose nativity scene was defaced, said a neighbor told her what was in the display as she was on her way outside with her 18-month-old cousin to visit the scene.

“The child likes to kiss the baby Jesus before going home. I told her it was too wet,” Cooper said.

But Cooper said several neighborhood children saw the nativity scene before she knew what had happened and were very upset by the sight.

I guess when there’s a radical atheist movement demonizing Christians specifically and the devout of all faiths in general you have to expect an upswing this sort of outrageousness. I’m not a Christian myself, far from it, but even I was angry when reading this.

Kids saw this.

So Merry Christmas out there from all your more “rational” atheist neighbors. I guess that whole Atheism promotes immorality argument isn’t just bunk…

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