The picture above (courtesy Debbie Schlussel) has made the rounds on the right side of the blogosphere. I was originally going to post it with a title like “pols celebrate coming holocaust of Black Americans” but I though that was too much. I’m not alone in my concern about the new immigration bill however, here’s a round up:
Debbie S. has sources in DHS telling her all the enforcement provisions are bullshit. They won’t happen. Ever.
Mid-Card players are telling their readers to abandon the G.O.P., maybe even vote Democratic (which clearly makes no sense) but the movement is afoot. We on the under card don’t have that kind of power, but I’m sure my readers will support the move (right, ryan?)
WHPW points out that this is a bit unfair to Cubans who are still getting sent back to hell while people who elected Chavez can sneak in and be saved from their bad choices.
186k goes ahead and just calls the bill what it is, America getting the shaft.
Hot Air is in full panic mode. I guess Allahpundit will be calling for another boycott of G.O.P. candidates, which worked out nicely before, by the way.
The Malkster pulls out some childhood memories to use as metaphors. She must be going to her safe place. I love “double M” but she finds a reference to make me feel old every couple of weeks.
Mickey Kaus is losing it at Slate. I’ll paraphrase: Game over, man Game over!
Counterterrorism Blog asks the question none of the bill’s supporters want to answer.
Final word comes from the man who’ll probably get my vote in ’08.