Act for America Exposes PalTalk Terror Chat Rooms

Joseph Shada posted this short but excellent article on the website for Brigitte Gabriel’s Act for America and on the American Congress for Truth website. It exposes Paltalk’s hosting of numerous Jihadist chat rooms where Al-Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah communiques are passed to supporters and operative world wide:

Paltalk ( is one of the most popular voice chat rooms hosting companies in the world. Paltalk hosts tens of thousands of voice chat rooms covering music, entertainment, politics, religion, and Islamic terrorist chat rooms.

That is correct. Paltalk hosts Islamic terrorist chat rooms that support Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups such as Hizballah and Hamas.

The most popular Al Qaeda chat room on Paltalk is called “Al Ansar Ansar Al Mujahdeen” which translates to “The Supporters of Moujhdeen”. The members of this chat room are rabid Al Qaeda supporters. They post communique©s released by Al Qaeda media groups, including terrorist propaganda materials and violent terrorist materials on how to conduct terrorist acts. The members of the chat rooms take the microphone (the voice feature) and talk about Jihad and call for violent terrorist acts.

In the “Ansar Al Mujahdeen” room there have been live interviews conducted with actual Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq. They conducted Q & A sessions with these terrorists. This chat room is well known on Paltalk and the Terrorist Cyberspace. Other terrorist forums refer to what is happening in “Ansar Al Mujahdeen” chat room and they encourage members of the other forums to join this chat room. The advantage of “Ansar Al Mujahdeen” chat room over the other terrorist forums is that it is a live action debate with voice features which make it very attractive for the terrorists.

Last week, after many years of allowing this popular Al Qaeda terrorist chat room to function and after many complaints against the room, Paltalk Corporation finally decided to shut down the “Ansar Al Moujahdeen” chat room. Unfortunately, the chat room is up again under a slightly modified name “Al Ansarr Ansar Al Mougahedeen” with a new owner nickname and many of the members changed their user names (nicknames). I noticed some of the members of the Al Qaeda chat room now have colored nicknames; i.e., they are paying a yearly subscription to Paltalk. In its previous guise, before this terrorist chat room was shut down, these same members had black nicknames; i.e., they did not pay any fee to participate. In addition, many of these electronic Jihadis are paying an annual fee to access the Al Qaeda chat room.

I find it difficult to believe that Paltalk Corporation can be fooled so easily…

Read the rest, it’s scintillating and an important essay for anyone concerned about Islamic Imperialism.

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