Aaron Russo’s a Crackpot, and I can Prove It!

Or at least I can point out to rational readers that Russo’s interview with Alex Jones on the very commercial conspiracy peddling website Prison Planet should cast doubt on his credibility. He makes a number of wild claims that conspiracy theorists will no doubt use as”proof” that there is a vast conspiracy that only they and a few others are smart enough to comprehend, unlike we tax paying sheeple. Alex is nice enough to give you a 14 minute clip for free, but if you want to see all 70 minutes you have to sign up.

What you thought Jones does this for free? Out of the goodness of his heart? Even a guy trying to save the world has expenses.

Anyway, here’s the free clip:


If you don’t feel like wasting that much of your life, I’ll sum it up for you. Aaron just happens to be buddies with Nick Rockefeller who’s head of the New World Order. Nick was trying to recruit Aaron, by letting him in on a bunch of secrets that even some members of the N.W.O. aren’t privy to. Among the bombshells is that the womens liberation movement was a plot to break up families and get more women into the work force so they can be taxed, and that there is some discussion of moving Israel to Arizona.

Oh, and 9-11 was an inside job, but that’s a given.

Aaron ultimately tells the N.W.O. to get bent, and the N.W.O. goes on to kill thousands of people in their quest for secrecy and world domination. Aaron isn’t one of them, oddly enough.

Crazy? You be the judge but Russo’s life sounds remarkably similar to a short story I wrote in high school. I only post about it because a tax protester once accused me of being ill-informed about everything because I hadn’t watched Russo’s new movie. After watching this interview, I’m pretty sure I know what its about so I’ll skip it.

51 thoughts on “Aaron Russo’s a Crackpot, and I can Prove It!

  1. hmm…all i say is let time speak for itself…
    a ppor mxican family can jump the border yet Alquidea cant? seems odd and since after 9/11 things seemt o follow the path that these loonys are suggesting…
    wait wasnt it FACT at one point the Earth was flat?

  2. I”m not sure about your angle on all this but it is upsetting to me to think of you ‘dissing’ Aaron Russo who I consider to be a very brave and compassionate constitutionalist patriot.

    I’n ’30 Germany, the press was full of people like you pointing their plastic finger at defendrs of the truth, calling them names, givening them numbers, At the Nurenmburg trials these people were found guilty.

    A word of advise you may have never had the privilege or the education to learn is that it takes more than the eyes to see the truth, It takes heart.

    Aaron Russo was bravely telling the truth, anyone who is not seeing that is either corrupted or ignorant. So that brings me to you, are you ignorant or corrupt ? a servant of deceit ? or a servant of the truth ?…

    But to call Aaron Russo a crackpot, is a sickening travesty, you are someone who in my humble opinion is a whore traitor.

    Where is your reputation ? where are your awards, your life’s work ?

    The truth is, Aaron Russo’s gravestone epitaph rightly says ‘freedom fighter’, but what would yours say ?…..’COLLABORATOR’


  3. That’s a joke right?

    I happen to have a Masters and I’m smart enough to know that if someone is SELLING something you need to look at their motives.

    Are you saying that because Russo was a hack producer we should trust his “expose” of the truth? Are you serious?

    Why don’t you explain why the NWO tells all these people their plans, kills thousands but let’s Alex Jones, Aaron Russo and dozens of other fat guys run free? Why isn’t Jones dead if their is a vast and evil conspiracy he’s been exposing…since the early 90s?

  4. I’m a first time visitor to the site. I don’t come to these types of sites often, and I’ve never commented on a blog before, since I’ve seen the kind of time-wasting, brain-melting “debates” that go on in comments on YouTube and similar sites. I guess today is my exception…

    You make plenty of valid points Rob, and I don’t disagree with your take on Russo and (especially) Alex Jones nearly as much as the other posters. But I couldn’t help but notice that you’ve managed to monetize this page with several embedded ads. Like the wise man once said:

    “if someone is SELLING something you need to look at their motives”. And you’re clearly selling (or at least profiting from) an extremely right-wing opinion and agenda.

    Peace to you all, and Take Care.

  5. where is this proof? are u familiar w/ the 13 logical fallacies because your “proof” is subject to examination based on these principles. this is by the way; how i approach any info (especially from those trying to sell me stuff) ,,and as a skeptic i see nothing here that will be believed by anyone who isn’t already looking to discredit our movement. on the other hand all of the info contained in mr. russo’s movies/writings is easy enough to check and i encourage all to do so. u are a phony and you’re just like the majority of the fundamentalists (of any religion) just looking to put others down because you know the fairy tale you live your life by is has no substance. rest in peace aaron and to those of us who know who our real enemy is ….LET’S GO!

  6. Here’s the proof: If a vast criminal conspiracy existed that protects it’s identity so jealously that it is willing to kill why would they allow a person who rejected them to continue living? Why wasn’t Russo killed as soon as he rejected membership into the group?

    Give me a good answer.

  7. Here’s the answer to you Rob: The reason Russo wasn’t killed as soon as he rejected membership in the group is twofold:
    1) Because Rockefeller knew that no matter how much Russo speaks the truth very very very few will ever believe him…case in point look at yourself. You are right to question him but deep down you don’t believe him because it’s just not something that any good person wants to believe so we conveniently deny.
    2) Instead of killing him they wanted to see how far Russo could take it in terms of how many people he could convince and subsequently how many people would follow Russo and believe his words. That way Nick and the other elite’s could gauge the true opposition threat….eventually they did kill him once they gathered the metrics they needed.

    Does that answer the question?

  8. No. That makes no sense because:

    1) People do believe him and

    2) a vast conspiracy can’t take the chance that someone will talk. The mafia doesn’t let prospects say no then start blabbing, even the Hell’s Angels wouldn’t but the all-powerful Illuminati? Oh, they won’t care.

    It’s sad really.

  9. The reason why they will not kill him is because the very act of killing him would confirm the conspiracy therefore making his statements more believable. It is much more effective to let him live and spread an unpopular message and then label him a “crockpot” for his statements. The latter is far more effective. it’s really not that difficult to understand.

  10. Untrue. Since a large group of people buy into his nonsense it isn’t effective at all. It’s completely ineffective and by you conspiracy theorists own accounts totally different from how these groups operated for hundreds of years.

    Look, if you were “made” by the mafia then said “No! this is wrong!” you’d be dead that day, probably in that meeting. Why is the all-powerful Illuminati less efficient? How did they remain a secret so long in your account if they are so uninterested in keeping this secret?

  11. Anyone that says “you know” that many times is trying selling themselves on their own idea.

  12. Title: “Aaron Russo’s a Crackpot, and I can Prove It!” … you havn’t proven anything. All i get is that you disagree… that’s nice.

  13. Then explain to me how it is that a vast conspiracy with thousands of members in the military/Law Enforcement/political system couldn’t shut him up?

    How is it that the Bloods from my old home town could keep people who knew their business in line and stop them from “snitchin'” but the Illuminati can’t?

  14. Rob said:

    …If a vast criminal conspiracy existed that protects it’s identity so jealously that it is willing to kill why would they allow a person who rejected them to continue living? Why wasn’t Russo killed as soon as he rejected membership into the group? Give me a good answer.

    @Rob: Perhaps you don’t understand this very basic premise: the network of perpetrators is so powerful that they don’t have ANY fear of being exposed. Exposure absolutely doesn’t matter to them simply because there are no negative consequences of exposure…NONE!

    Who are they afraid might find out about their plan for world domination? Cops? No, they already own them. Judges? No, they already own them. Some Joe Q. Publics? No, they already own them. The mafia? No, they already own them.

    You see, when you’re part of a network that possesses far more resources than the next biggest potential threat, then it doesn’t much matter who finds out.

  15. I agree with brent over here. Logically there wont be anything to fear since they already own the law enforcement agencies and all other alphabet letter gangs (CIA,FBI,NSA,IRS,IMF,UN , etc) that is suppose to enforce the law on them if the awakened public brings them to justice. So both ways they are safe – exposed or not exposed , its irrelevant for them because their plans are ceaselessly executed and on schedule – right since the last couple of centuries.

    They own the media that regulates the information which comes to the public. There are hundreds of evidence to support it, infact these days the Mainstream media is slowly getting the courage to speak about the global conspiracy thats been hatched for a long time.



    Not that I agree with FOX with everything , but some of these throws a certain light into whatever I have stated above.

  16. Rob,

    The Bible teaches us not to “…deviate too far to the right or to the left.” I bring this up because truth is found somewhere in the middle.

    I have always found that there are two kinds of people…those who take what they’re given/fed; and those who seek the truth. (There could be more, but, this is what I have come across). It is a false assertion that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one. Because, logically, with that rule of thought it is simple to manipulate those receiving the information. In reality, the way most people receive their ‘truth’ is…’the first plausible story given in the truth. Meaning, the first story that the receiver is ‘willing’ to digest and accept. It is based on the receiver’s core value and desire to believe the best in people.

    Now to your question about why not kill Aaron Russo. They did. He’s dead and with no previous serious health issues.

    I have one question for you, Rob. What IS a conspiracy to you? And have there been any that you are aware of?


  17. Seer- I’m not a Christian

    “It is a false assertion that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one.”

    Prove it. The point of that statement is that people see complexity where there is none. That rich and powerful people have considerable power is true for example, that they consolidate that power by enacting complex and unwieldy schemes is just silly. It would be a barrier to their actual exercise of power. You tell me why the Chi-Coms need to involve themsleves with the “Illuminati” to run a country they already have under their thumb.

    “because, logically, with that rule of thought it is simple to manipulate those receiving the information. In reality, the way most people receive their ‘truth’ is…’the first plausible story given in the truth. Meaning, the first story that the receiver is ‘willing’ to digest and accept. It is based on the receiver’s core value and desire to believe the best in people.”

    This statement demonstrate the core value of conspiracy theorists-that they are simply smarter than everyone. You’re whole thesis is that other people are “being manipulated” because they simply accept this or that but you-the might “seer”- just aren’t fooled. It’s eye-rollingly pretentious.

    “Now to your question about why not kill Aaron Russo. They did. He’s dead and with no previous serious health issues. ”

    So a obese man in his 50s had no previous health problems? Now who’s filtering information based on their pre-conceived notions?

    “Now to your question about why not kill Aaron Russo. They did. He’s dead and with no previous serious health issues.”

    OK. Alex Jones. Alex Jones is a scam, I have looked into it myself and never bothered to blog about it. But here’s some questions about Jones you should ask yourself.

    1) The most obvious, if Jones is always exposing the Illuminati’s plans why don’t they kill him and change their plans?

    2) Why isn’t Alex Jones afraid they will? He keeps the same schedule, makes movie appearances etc. Why doesn’t he act like a man who “knows” the truth? Shouldn’t he be frightened?

    3) If you knew what Alex Jones “knows” would you be content making a living talking about it? Alex Jones claims he’s going to be in a camp and his solution? Putting up websites that charge $100 a month for ad banners, not to mention the thousands of dollars he makes from subscribers.

    Almost like it’s a scam!

    Here’s another real conspiracy. Kevin McDonald was one of the primary architects of the 9/11 “Truth” movement. But McDonald converted to Wahabbi Islam in the 90s and was on record supporting Jihadism against America, facts he freely admits to now on his site. Why didn’t he present himself as sharing Bin Laden’s religious views originally, and why isn’t the so-called “truth” movement investigating that?

    Now that’s a conspiracy.

  18. You are basing the entirety of these ideas on the back of Alex Jones. You’re not looking it to how the Federal Reserve operates, the power structure of the secretive foreign policy clubs (ex: chatham house, IPP, or CFR), you’re not looking into the executive directors, owners, and board members of the major news outlets, the connection to college universities, the history of the CIA and the history of the State in general, not mention you haven’t read the works that are out there from very credible people (in fact the ones in the “conspiracy” admit freely their idealism because they are not ashamed of it, and feel it is the best, or right thing to do) etc. etc. etc. You expect people to come on here and explain all of that in just a few short paragraphs and it simply isn’t possible.

  19. It’s not possible because it’s convoluted nonsense. When a person who thinks Agatha the Inner Earth dweller is the secret ruler of the spheres of longing and they claim it “can’t be explained” in a few paragraphs I expect them to write something longer.

    You’re taking dozens of different things and forcing them to be linked inorganically because it comforts you to think there is a “big picture” when in fact history is driven by multiple groups with sometimes competing agendas (sometime unrelated) who push those agendas to the fore.

    The Fed wasn’t created by a secret cabal; it was made by people openly enamored with Fascism. Glen Beck did some good reporting on this, as does Jonah Goldberg.

    9/11 conspiracies are driven by racism (Arabs live in caves and just can’t fly planes) and the desire for people to avoid the unpleasant truth. Since the 7th Century the west has been at war with Islam. The real conspiracy is the crap you’re fed about “peaceful Muslim rule” in Spain (the Moors ruled Spain the way Hamas rules Palestine) evil Zionism (Jews were in the Middle East prior to Muslims, this is historical fact, as is the fact that “Palestine” was ruled by non-Palestinian Arabs until they went to war with Israel)

    My point is that liberals pushing an agenda in schools isn’t “the conspiracy by the Illuminati” at all. It may be a sort of conspiracy, completely unrelated to others. You’re re-ording the universe to make it simpler and less complex, rather than accepting the world as it is.

    There are a certain number of Muslims who want to re-establish the Ottoman Empire and conquer Europe. There are politically active people pushing through a statist agenda with the help of fellow progressives in the media. There’s something rotten in ACORN (it’s Mobbed up) Mexico and the New Jersey legislature. There is corruption and conspiracy everywhere unguided by a universal invisible hand, but merely products of criminality and amorality.

    But take as long as you need to explain it to me here, or recommend a book. I’ll debunk it.

  20. Both sides of this argument have there pros and cons. Both sides have yet to pull me to either side. Everything that was stated above is he said she said. Nothing has proof and nor is there any way of supplying any due to the nature of the subject matter. Everyone must realize that even if you don’t agree with Aaron Russo. You still have to agree with the fact that the system as a whole is a broken system and is bound to fail. Even if there is a big diabolical plan or not………..right?

    and Rob you need to stop contradicting yourself. your examples are dumb along with yourself if you don’t realize that………..burn!

  21. Ouch. I notice that you complain about me not giving evidence but you yourself claim I contradict myself without pointing out where. You tell me, where exactly did I contradict myself and where is there evidence to prove that there is a secret society that secretly runs the country through a series of secret programs all of which are talked about on the Internet by people who are never murdered.

  22. If this illuminati has indeed taken control of the USA and many other contries by using the world politicians as puppets or having infiltrated they various countries political systems and taken political control, how will you stop them, having given them such control voluntarily.
    Now there is no opposition because all parties are controlled by the same puppet masters as well as 80 percent of those supposedly criticising them. Alex Jones ? Michael Moore ? How do you know these guys aren’t just shills. What have they done to stop these people? Nothing, they are just letting everyone know who is in power and what everyone else place is in the world. The only way to defeat these people is to convince all the soldiers they will hire or con into fighting and killing for them that they should refuse to kill people. But even in that event it is futile. These people will destroy everyone on the earth surface while they are safe in their underground bases. Meanwhile those soldiers they have conned will die above with the people they are killing.
    As is indicated , it is too late to stop the illuminati. They have almost finished their plan/ The only chance is to convince those protecting these underground base entrances to allow the people to enter and take away the safety net from those who would kill the surface3 dwellers (us).

  23. Perhaps an alliance with the mole people?

    Look, I like what you’re saying about Jones and Moore not really doing anything (except getting rich) but there is no Illuminati. There are communists running various organizations and there is a Wahhabi movement taking over the middle east and funding groups here. There is a Marxist inspired Christian Fallange that passes themselves off as Conservatives and there are transnational gangs who are challenging third world countries for supremacy. These are all separate conspiracies that can be verified.

    The Illuminati is a kind of grand unified theory of conspiracies which is harmless except it distracts from real conspiracies that happen that you can fight. AIG and GE in bed with Obama is a conspiracy. Soros funding radical groups to foment hatred (including the “hikers” in Iran) is a conspiracy. MS-13 and the Latino gang pogrom against Black Americans is a conspiracy. Let’s work on those together.

  24. first id like to say that russo did a good job with the film FTF. I thought it did a great job exposing a growing problem with how our country works (or doesn’t work). The federal reserve system is a system that will eventually collapse because eventually debt needs to paid or credit is shut off. The fact of the matter is there doesn’t have to be a grand conspiracy scheme to destroy this country. All that needs to take place is that people work in the direction of their own immediate self interest rather than the good of the future, its just human nature. Like I said I liked Russo’s film and freely admit that its probably a mixture of fact and fiction like most good stories and people just have to try and distinguish between the two. Hopefully most that see it will have the wisdom to.

  25. what great entertainment. I love following these crackpots. It is all over the internet … one conspiracy after another. did we walk on the moon? Of course we did, however, it sure is fun reading these fantasies. Hey Crackpots … keep them coming for my entertainment.

  26. building #7 (who knew)…thermate, accelerant… pools of molten metal. towers…thermate, accelerant…pools of molten metal. i’m going with the science, irrefutable evidence.

    cheney/rock drop the bombs, towers…i mean ball.

    i agree about getting together to stop Soros, AIG/GE/Obama, bloods, La Cosa Nostra, Enron/Marvin Bush, Tyco, etc.

    there is a metal strip or a chip in my passport. its located under the usa part near the top center and back page as well. everytime i give it to the immigration guy, he swipes it in ‘the machine’. i hope no one puts staples in this area…hmmm i don’t feel tardy.

    rob zombie taylor, “the real thing”.

  27. Although I don’t buy all the rhetoric thrown about regarding 9-11 and lizard people ruling the earth, Arron Russo was very credible. I believe his own issues with the IRS sparked his distrust and his film touched upon some very factual things that will bring down this country – namely the Ponzi Scheme known as the Federal Reserve and the unconstitutional nature of the IRS.

    Feudal systems, serfdom, servitude and the Wealthy exploiting the Poor are as old as time – so why would it be any different now? You mean to tell me you believe the super elite now really care about the well being of common people???

    Who’s the crackpot???

  28. Have you ever read a fuedal contract? I’m tired of uneducated people yelping about feudalism when feudal contracts, many of which are still in existance, were pretty much the same as socialized economic contracts people like you support.

    The idea that there is an outside power beyond yourself controlling your life and wrecking everything is a convenient way to absolve yourself of responsibility for our condition. We all did this, not the Illuminati. Our “exploited poor” are the only poor people in the world with color televisions and obesity problems – I know I grew up poor, my mother was on welfare and worked her way out of poverty. The supposed elites didn’t stop her.

    But we don’t produce wealth, we consume it and that is a collective decision we all made. When we voted people into office who created a system of unsustainable entitlements we created a ponzi scheme. When we let unions run business out of America but still stick the taxpayers with their benefits we created a ponzi scheme. When we let hippies tell us how to farm, destroy the fur market and teach our children that they are entitled to society caring for them we created an unsustainable ponzi scheme.

    It’s time you started taking responsibility for your actions and your life and stopped pretending there is a hidden hand in America’s collapse which is just a way to avoid admitting that you helped us to this point just like everyone else.

  29. The initial problem here is that Rob tries to use a question which nobody is qualified to answer. Since no answer is “good enough” for Rob…it must be a lie. That is a typical problem associated with trying to determine if someone is lying or not…especially on a level this large when it would be impossible for anyone to say they know how the elitists will think.

    The question is, “Why wasn’t Russo and Jones killed for this?”

    Nobody but those in control can answer that with accuracy. All else is pure speculation. Would it make sense they would be killed off? Absolutely. Does it mean they are liars because they weren’t killed off? Come on now, seriously?

    More importantly, Jones is considered a fraud himself and has twisted the truth before if you compare older videos of him to newer ones. He seems to incite frustration and aggression yet tells people not to become aggressive. Through violence, you discredit your entire argument. Jones seems to incite that and some have pointed out that the rabbit hole may be deeper than initially thought…meaning Jones is in on it but not necessarily Russo. People like Russo give credibility to Jones who then ruins the credibility himself therefore making the entire conspiracy theory concept look ridiculous.

    That’s enough food for thought for now. People, don’t act like you know it all cause a question can’t be answered like this blogger tries to argue. Keep gathering your information and keep your eyes/ears open. To think any of us know the exact plan is ludicrous…however most of us will be more informed than most as the plot is revealed over time. Keep your eyes/ears open, stay calm, logical, and rational. Trust no figure with power unless you know truly where there heart lies…that’s a golden rule to live by.

  30. That’s stupid. If I was doing something criminal, like murdering people, and you had evidence you were blurting out everywhere what’s my only option?

    But here’s a question maybe you can answer. If “they” control the world and have for centuries, and at the same time you yourself have prospered, lived longer lives etc, what’s your problem? If there was an “Illuminati” I’d join up. And according to you they pretty much take anyone since cops, firemen, air traffic controllers, all the Jews, everyone on television etc are all in on all these conspiracies so…

    Here’s my challenge. I will join the Illuminati if someone point one out to me.

  31. Hi Rob,

    As I understand it, you’re only proof that Russo is a crackpot is because he wasn’t killed immediately by the illuminati…Am I right about that?

    I don’t actually believe that there is an “illuminati” behind the NWO, but I certainly do believe there are very ruthless and powerful people behind the scenes controlling nearly everything we see, hear, think and believe.

    The’ve controlled you to believe your views and they control others to believe opposing views…These people working behind the scene are not dumb, quite the contrary — They are brilliant and they are masters at deception and keeping people polarized by arguing over opposing views, which cleaverly helps them to hide the real truth from all of us.

    But…Regarding your so-called “proof” that Russo (Jones, etc) is a crackpot simply because he was not killed off quickly like Organized Crime would do to him…These powerful people do not work like the Mafia does…They work more like the CIA.

    First…They would use disinformation and try to discredit Russo and convince people that he is a lunatic, a nut-job or a crackpot…In most cases, with people like you, they are highly successful…In other cases, they might not be as successful.

    Second…If they fail to discredit Russo, they would threaten them to shut up or else.

    And Finally…If threats don’t work, then an “unfortunate accident” would most likely occur at some point.

    As we know, Russo IS NOW DEAD. So, does that dis-prove your proof? I mean, you said your proof that Russo is a crackpot was because he is still alive, but now that he’s dead was he right and really not a crackpot?

    Did you actually wind up proving that upon Russo’s death, the Illuminati is alive?

    Yikes…Now, I really am worried that the Illuminati does exist! Thanks, Rob…LOL

  32. I’m surprised you were able to type out this garbage without opposable thumbs. Russo’s theory was that there was an Illuminati that he was invited to join and told him all their secret plans, which included murdering anyone who knew the truth. Yet they didn’t murder him. According to your theory they simply let him spread all this secret information while running a campaign to discredit him, even though these same people murdered Kennedy, 3000 people during 9/11 and hundreds of others.

    So why let Russo live when the supposedly kill hundreds of others? Why tell Russo all their secret plans before he joined? This is a fantasy, a role playing game for losers like you who need a vast, invisible enemy to explain why you’re so sub par.

  33. Are you for real????? LOL

    Your “big theory” was that since Russo was alive, he must be a crackpot, because “the illuinati” didn’t kill him for opening up his mouth…All I pointed out was that Russo is dead now…So, according to your theory he must not be a crackpot, because he’s no longer alive.

    In all seriousness…Your “proof” was a very poor proof…Is that all you have? If so, it may be convincing to you, but you are the only one it convinces.

    Anyone with half a brain would laugh at such a half-baked proof. You need to come up with something more concrete than that.

    I mean…It could be argued that the Illuminati simply gave Russo enough rope to hang himself, then they killed him anyway after his fate was sealed…He’s dead…Who’s to say they didn’t ultimately kill him?

    But…As I pointed out in the beginning of my previous post…I DON’T BELIEVE IN THE ILLUMINATI!!!!!!

    Perhaps, if you took off the blinders and were able to see past your own limited viewpoint, and you read my post with an open mind, (if thats even possible for you), you might have been able to notice that I didn’t take a position one way or the other on Russo.

    All I care about is getting rid of the Federal Reserve…Thats the REAL issue, but you’ve been programmed to be polarized by nonsensical arguments that nobody can win…You will never see anyone else’s point of view and they will not see yours…The aruguments will just keep going around in circles…Are you too blind to see that?

    You get lost in right vs. left and conservative vs liberal and conspiracy theories vs Rob Taylor’s distorted viewpoint.

    And…Thats what the powerful people behind the scenes want…They want to confuse you with BS and distract you from the real issues and you got sucked right into their program and you don’t even realize it.

    Russo said a lot of off-the-wall things like getting chipped, for example…I don’t buy that at all.

    But, I do know for a fact that he’s right about the Federal Reserve…The Federal Reserve needs to go…Our forefathers knew that a central bank would destroy our nation, which is why they wrote into the constitution that only Congress is permitted to coin money and set the value there of.

    Russo is dead, but the Federal Reserve is alive and well. Keep your eye on the ball and don’t get side-tracked by the BS they feed you.

  34. If you don’t believe in the Illuminati why are you defending a man who claimed they tried to recruit him?

    Go back to your Call of Chthulu LARP and your Paulnut forums. There is no vast shadowy conspiracy.

  35. LOL….The organizer of this site is looking too deep into this. This whole “conspiracy” theory sounds great if it were in a movie but in reality all this planning and time consuming manipulations wouldn’t be necessary. Wouldn’t it be easier to just round up everybody and drop a nuke or something on them? Who gives a %&*%? They’re going to be slaves anyway so what’s with all the secrets. Just nuke everybody except the slaves they want to keep. I feel like an idiot even talking about this. Do you really believe everybody in government, judges, business leaders, officials, media outlets, banks are all in on some major conspiracy? Don’t ya think there’s a few(sarcasm) honest people in those sectors that have access to a hell of a lot more intelligence that you, joe nobody, claims to see. I don’t see how you, joe nobody, can see through to this vast diabolical scheme beyond every educated official out there. Yet just somehow you are able to not only decode the greatest manipulation ever, but blueprint it step by step. Oh and my personal favorite is…not only do you believe this, but you read outloud the rediculous theories and not once ask yourselves how much drugs you have done to actually think this sounds normal. Seriously, the whole “they make everybody look like crazies that speak out against them” argument only sounds normal to you select few who actually believe this crap.

  36. I think it is so funny with all these consipiracy theoires that people will believe anything.

    The friend who sent me to this movies seems to believe everything is a conspiracy it seems. And that what russo is speaking of relates to the NWO illuinati which is the 7 or 8 wealthiest famlies in the world.

    But I can so easitly discredit this with very basic common sense.

    The Waltons were considered probably the wealthiest family int he world, or maybe the rockefellers, of which the top 2 wealtiest famlies in the world have not much more than $120 billion eacy, and the next 5 wealthiest probably have less than $50B each this totals to be anywhere from $400Billion to the absolute maximum of not even $1trillion dollars (and this is the entire world) and probably $500 B is a reasonable estimate overall.
    The United States alone has a yearly GDP of of over 4 or 5 trillion dollars.
    So taking into account that these 7-8 wealthiest familes in the ENTIRE WORLD COMBINED in total fortune is only 10% of what our country is worth yearly year after year after year.
    and I am supposed to believe that they can control that much?
    common sense.

    As for the taxation, that is a bunch of nonsense. He is basing it on something that happened in the 1800s with the 16th amendement saying it wasn’t ratified properly, but if you do research, it was in face ratified properly and that 2 other admentments had the same thing which had to be approved state by sate, but they had no problem with it later. The law says nothing about having to file a 1040, it just says you have to pay your taxes.
    So fine, don’t pay taxes go ahead. Let’s just have noone pay taxes. enjoy yourself as the federal highways crumble, the water system gets polluted and national defense dissappears allowing us to get attacked. Yep, we shouldn’t pay any taxes.
    as for 9-11
    Ok. again very common sense.
    I have a very good memory which most people don’t seem to have.
    after 1993 or whatever year it was the WTC was attempted to bomb the very first time, it was in the mid 90s, Barbara Walters inteviewed bin Laden.
    He specifically said that the United States better watch out becuase one day they are going to wake up seeing that they were attacked by his group and make “major damage” to our country” I remember this because I laughed thinking “how can this puny guy in this insiginficant country and a band of whackoes possibly do any damage?” sure enough that is precisesly what happened.
    conspiracy theorists talk about why did the 2nd building collapse first.
    simply physics. the plane did damage to the building 10-20 floors lower then the first one, therefore, the first building which was severely damaged was only supporting the wieght of about 10-20 floors, the 2nd building was supporting 25-40 floors. Gee, I wonder how it could have possibly fallen first.
    Yes the metal didn’t actaully “melt” into liquid but the prolonged heat at those high temperratures lowers it’s strength signifcicanly.

    I also hear stories about the government putting in homeland security that you can’t grow vegatables at your house or have a garden and you can be in jail for it, and of course a cancer cure that is out there but they don’t want us to know about it.
    And also that in the US and Canada border patrol, when you are crossing the border youare in “no man’s land” there is no rules or regulations.
    um, unless you are exsactly halfway betweenthe bridge or tunnel you are actaully in one of the 2 countries. when ou reach canda’s border patrol, it is just that Canada, or US over here. they control one side we control the other.
    the things people come up with sigh

  37. No offense to you, but your common sense is based on figures that these powers that be provide to FORBES. Forbes is in league hard with the bildebergs. They can’t even talk about their meetings, do you think he would print anything that they didn’t tell him. Think about it, If you were in control and had that much darn money, would you really let the world know what you had. cmon. So you just take what Forbes randomly says as facts. According to Forbes, the Rothschilds are way down that list. I mean are you freaking kidding me????
    I am not going to address everything you say because i agree with some, but you want to talk about the World Trade Center attacks in the early 90’s. Look up Brigadier General Ben Partin and actually educate yourself there. By the way, CIA made Bin Laden, then when things got really hot with the russians in afganistan and we saw we weren’t going to win we backed out and abandoned him. Does that give the attacks an excuse, heck no. But theres at least a reason, and there is evidence that the gov’t was warned it was coming and did nothing. I AM not saying they staged that, merely that they pearl harbored it and looked the other way. The last part is pure nonsense, agree with you.
    If this guy in the video is telling the truth then the reason they let him live was to play both sides, implant the thought that it is there so that you will not be so surprised when it happens, the theory is loosely based on the “hegelian dialectic”. Besides, as someone earlier noted, not enough people will take him seriously, he is absolutely no threat to them and they know it. Might as well see what kinda buzz he can create and if there will be any resistance to future ideas….

  38. Are you retarded? Common sense isn’t based on external information, it’s something you have. I mean I have, you clearly have none.

  39. I have plenty Robby. And you sir are just another closeminded person, you have no proof of anything just conjecture and did you even bother to look up ben partin or hegelian dialectic? No, because you just blindly lash out without bothering to educate yourself.
    By the way, i didn’t say i believed in any of the video, but noted to the above commenter, who believed the richest and most powerful will blindly tell him how much they own and what is really going on, is ridiculous and shows ignorance and arrogance.

    Also, please address singular points, addressing me as having no common sense just because you want to say so is retarded. Pls combat my points like you have with others. Noticed you didn’t say anything about the guy I commented on because he agrees with you. Blindly discounting people without doing any research or even addressing what they say shows what a waste of time posting on your closeminded blog is. Did you do this to create discussion or just to bash.

  40. No YOU have no proof of anything, just a desire to believe that bad things are predestined so you don’t have to take responsibility for them. I don’t have to Google Hegelian Dialectic by the way, I went to college (and Grad school) but clearly Googling such information without, you know, actually reading the first hand sources is the problem with people like you.

    And no I won’t be “addressing singular points” to a some anonymous troll on a three year old. Who are you that I need to address you at all? Have you clicked my ads? Or are you out of money after buying every book Alex Jones takes a cut from.

    You’re a mark. You spend your last $15 on subscriptions to Jones website and have $1000s worth of poorly written books on “them” and how they control your life, which gives you the excuse you need to not take control of your own destiny.

    Don’t you have an article about how Jews collaborate with space lizards who are really demons to take over the world by criss crossing the sky with “chemtrails” which don’t seem to do anything to read?

  41. How can you say Aaron Russo was a crackpot? YOU’RE A FUCKING IDIOT!! He fought for the rights of blind fucking idiots such as yourself but was unfortunately killed by the illuminati bastards. You sir, are a fucking idiot with a severe mental disability; hope you enjoy your verichip 🙂

  42. I guess there’s only one way to find out if this is completely true or not: analyse in detail all the information. I mean, these are very strong allegations. These people that are acused of having blown the twin towers and all the rest, should be forced to answer in court, as we normally do when we have suspects of a crime. They should tell their version of the events with professional and independent people guiding the process. By not doing this, the suspicion over them will just increase.

  43. If I accuse you of rape, based on shoddy physics and a conspiracy theory based online, should you be forced to go to court to answer to those charges?

  44. I agree with my big bro, Alex jones is a crackpot, I have seen him twist information so it can work in his favour and agenda. Believe nothing this yelling lunatic has to say, everything to AJ is a conspiracy, he probably takes a big dump yelling out ‘you did this to me Soros. you did it’ he is infatuated with people with money and power, yes a lot of these people have the money due to greed but they dont have the power that AJ and his herd wish to believe.

  45. Robbie –

    Please do not forget to take your medicine for your bald spot, turn off your computer, and get back here under your mommy’s skirt…She has got to be the only woman you have ever seen naked in person – its telling in your writing you weirdo. Take care care bear

  46. Really? Strange since I’ve been with my old lady 20 years. And I’ve banged some chicks before that – like your gutterslut mother. But she really turned me off to one night stands with her demands for a “dirty sanchez” which I had never heard of before doing her.

  47. Rob, Obviously there are some people on here that were compltely duped into believing Russo.
    He can be very convincing. But Conspiracy theories themselves is a major fallacy.

    I have fully investiaged all these claims.
    For example, there is no place showing you have to pay taxes?
    Um, I don’t remember hwere it was, I do know I found the actaul code in legal documents of the US that said you do have to pay.
    believing in conspiracies is a form of paranoia.
    I love the arguments of “they don’t kill the people who know because it would kill the theory”

    By the way, the first person who introduced me to who controls the wolrd. I tis the 7, possibly 8 richest famlies in the world. The very wealthiest famly in the entire world has no more than $300 billion dollars and it goes down from there, so the most they have is $1 trillion
    Now, this is the cumalitive weatlh for all time for all family members for 100s of years in total.
    and with this kind of money they can conrrol all the governments in the world.
    Now, let me see here. The USA (one siglular country, albiet amont the wealthiest) bust still. The annual GDP or annual budget, debt whatever you want to use is on the order of $5trillion to $15trillion/ yr, every year , year in and year out. that is on average 8 times the total wealth accumalted for 100s of years between all the famlies togther. Now say the US wealth is about 1/20th of the world, so wew ill call this $200 trillion dollars. and if the total weath is 1 trillion dollars, the money coming in per year is prbably in total of around $100Billion, that is a hell of a lot of money on an annual basis.
    that is 1/2000 of what they supposedly control.
    how much of a differnec are we taling about?
    well I am about 6 feet tall and 200lb, so that would be like me standing next to one of the higer mountains in the State of Colorado from Sea level.
    or say 400,000 lb vs my weight. I don’t nkow anything that weigs that uch, but ok, let’s talk geographic area.

    Take one square mile. that would be like a guy that owns 118 sqaure feet of land controlling the entire square mile. which is about a 10.5×10.f ft parcel.
    How about this? a township, that is 36 square miles, that is someon that has 4250 squre feet of land, which is about a 65×65 property lot.
    yes, that is the size of a relatively small lot for a typical house in a typical neighborhood. the type of grass you can cut with a push mower in less than 20 minutes.
    so my property controls an entire township.
    Ok, how about the USA it is about 3000 miles x 1800 miles, this would be like 2700 square miles or an area of 52 by 52 miles.
    how big is that? that i sabout the size of 2 normal sized counties.
    so that would be like saying that1/3 of the Detroit metroplitian area contorls the entire united states of America.
    Why am I pointing out all thes math computations? to show just how ridiculous this concept is?
    or how about this? there are 11 players on the football field.
    take UM Ann arbor football stadium crowd capacity and double it.
    now, can you imagine the football team taking on twice the capacity of this stadium?

    so, Aaron russo siad he had nothing to lose because he was dying anyway of some disease. oh wait?? dying of disease? well, I guess the illuminati didn’t kill him, his battle with disease did.

    yes, we have to pay taxes.
    no the 15th amendment was not impproperly ratfied, the quote was taken out of context. The ohio judge or politican or whatever he was back in the 1800s who said whatever statment it wsa about not paying taxes was only making a sarcastic remark but in the actaul documents worded it correclty, so what if he said something?

    don’t even get me started on 911.
    first of all, I am fortunate, everyone tells me how they can’t believe how I can remember things from 30 years ago let alone 10.
    I distinctly recall an inteveiw with osama bin laden in the late 90s almost halfway between WTC bombing 1 and 2. Well, how do I remember it so well? Because I was laughing so hard at who I thought this idiot Bin Laden was, “who does he think he is kidding? he thinks he can take on the US?”
    well guess what, I remember in the interview he explicity said that this was al-quieda’s plan unless US loses its support for Israel.
    he said “one day the USA will wake up to find it has been attacked and lost, you will not believe what has happened”
    Well, sure enough that is EXACTLY what happened.
    did the US take advantage of the tradgedy as a political ploy to go into Iraq? yes, probably so. But plan the attack, not a chance.
    The first logical fallacies are the targets.
    1. the pentagon. oh yeah, the US is going to severely damage and try to destroy its entire department of miliatry to weaken our own military against itself. yeah whatever.
    2. the WTC, the builidns in the Uinted sttes with probably the most wealth anywhere. oh sure, let’s get rid of all the financial structure that is supporting us so we can’t build more military equipment to control everyone.
    see how idiotic this is?
    no, conspiracy believers will believe this because they think they have some big secret and want to feel more important so they delude themselves into believeing this nonsense.
    ok, next arguement:
    WTC collapsed never has a steel structure fell before.
    oh, well many high rises have in fact fallen, but guess what?
    there aer many other firsts too.
    this is the first time towers were hit by the 2nd largest types of airplens going at 500mph, max speed aimed directly at target. leaving gaping holes that were not prevelent in prevous fired. Jet fuel burns at temps hotter than most fires. other first, the amount of time it ws buring and noone could get up there, the amount of smoke, the panic, everything.
    oh, and by the way, the steel did NOT melt. the tempature melts higher than than the temps but they reduced the strenght of the steel at those very high tempatures to 1/10 the normal stenght.
    now why does it make sense that the towers fell without demolitions?
    hmm, how about the actaul timing of them?
    isn’t it amazing that the tower that got hit first, almost 30 minutes before the 2nd tower, fell 20 minutes after the 2nd tower got hit?
    gee I wonder why. Ok, the structures are exactly idential 110 story giant buildings. identical structure. both with gaping giant holes with steel losing its tensile strenght due to incredible temperatures noone could really go do anything about.
    well, the first impact wsa around the 90th floor, meaning the spot wher the strucgture had been severely weakened wsa holding up about 20 floors.
    the 2nd building which fell much quicker was around the 70th floor or holding about 40+ stories, more than doubling the weight.
    so guess what, the one that weiht twice as much fell about twice as quick. isn’t it amazing what logic shows?
    besides, in either case, why did it even fall? Gee I don’t know.
    Maybe because half the floors stteel beams which were weakedn by 70% or more was holding up the equivilent of a 20 story and a 40 story building. yeah, I wonder how that may have something to do with it collapsing, and the weight falling on it it going to crushthe floor below creating a chain reaction.
    ok, buiding 7, you watch the videos, there is heavy debris of concrete and steel , wtc 7 is 47 floors, so there was debris falling from a building 65 floors higher falling all over it. large chucnks of concrete bigger than cars buring at over 1000 degrees were hitting the top and bottom. It weakened the structure and was buring for 7,8 hours, in face, the police and firement were concerned for several hours it could fall down. it was not unexpected by the resucures.
    pentagon, missile? no, 99.9% of witensses all described an airplane with red and blue most identifying it as an americna airline jet. before hitting. funny how conspiray theoriests love to only show the the back side of the pentagon picitures but not the front that shows, AIRPlane parts!!!!
    with a bigger hole nonetheless.

    that is all I hae to say for now.
    it is about time the nonsense eneded.
    I can tell you why every single theory doesn’t hold up with logic, with proof and so on and so forth.

    stop blaming people that had nothing to do with this, it is scary becaue the real purpotrators will take advantage of this and only attack again.

  48. The Law: The requirement to pay taxes is not voluntary and is clearly set forth in section 1 of the Internal Revenue Code, which imposes a tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts as determined by the tables set forth in that section. (Section 11 imposes a tax on the taxable income of corporations.)

    Taxpayers can refuse to pay income taxes on religious or moral grounds by invoking the First Amendment.
    Some argue that taxpayers may refuse to pay federal income taxes based on their religious or moral beliefs, or objection to the use of taxes to fund certain government programs. These persons mistakenly invoke the First Amendment in support of this frivolous position.

    The Law: The First Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment, however, does not provide a right to refuse to pay income taxes on religious or moral grounds, or because taxes are used to fund government programs opposed by the taxpayer. Nor does the First Amendment protect commercial speech or speech that aids or incites taxpayers to unlawfully refuse to pay federal income taxes, including speech that promotes abusive tax avoidance schemes.

    Relevant Case Law:
    United States v. Lee, 455 U.S. 252, 260 (1982) – the U.S. Supreme Court held that the broad public interest in maintaining a sound tax system is of such importance that religious beliefs in conflict with the payment of taxes provide no basis for refusing to pay, and stated that “[t]he tax system could not function if denominations were allowed to challenge the tax system because tax payments were spent in a manner that violates their religious belief.”

    Jenkins v. Commissioner, 483 F.3d 90, 92 (2d Cir. 2007), cert. denied, 552 U.S. 821 (2007) – the court upheld the decision of the Tax Court that the collection of tax revenues for expenditures that offended the religious beliefs of individual taxpayers did not violate the Free Exercise Clause of the First Clause, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, or the Ninth Amendment. In addition, the court upheld the imposition of a $5,000 frivolous return penalty against Jenkins.

    United States v. Indianapolis Baptist Temple, 224 F.3d 627, 629 – 631 (7th Cir. 2000), cert. denied, 531 U.S. 1112 (2001) – the court rejected defendant’s Free Exercise challenge to the federal employment tax as those laws were not restricted to the defendant or other religion-related employers generally, and there was no indication that they were enacted for the purpose of burdening religious practices.

    United States v. Ramsey, 992 F.2d 831, 833 (8th Cir. 1993) – the court rejected Ramsey’s argument that filing federal income tax returns and paying federal income taxes violates his pacifist religious beliefs and stated that Ramsey “has no First Amendment right to avoid federal income taxes on religious grounds.”

    Wall v. United States, 756 F.2d 52 (8th Cir. 1985) – the court upheld the imposition of a $500 frivolous return penalty against Wall for taking a “war tax deduction” on his federal income tax return based on his religious convictions and stated the “necessities of revenue collection through a sound tax system raise governmental interests sufficiently compelling to outweigh the free exercise rights of those who find the tax objectionable on bona fide religious grounds.”

    United States v. Peister, 631 F2d. 658 (10th Cir. 1980), cert. denied, 449 U.S. 1126 (1981) – the court rejected Peister’s argument that he was exempt from income tax based on his vow of poverty after he became the minister of a church he formed; his First Amendment right to freedom of religion was not violated.

    The Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was not properly ratified, thus the federal income tax laws are unconstitutional.
    This argument is based on the premise that all federal income tax laws are unconstitutional because the Sixteenth Amendment was not officially ratified, or because the State of Ohio was not properly a state at the time of ratification. This argument has survived over time because proponents mistakenly believe that the courts have refused to address this issue.

    The Law: The Sixteenth Amendment provides that Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes on income, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration. U.S. Const. amend. XVI. The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified by forty states, including Ohio (which became a state in 1803; see Bowman v. United States, 920 F. Supp. 623 n.1 (E.D. Pa. 1995) (discussing the 1953 joint Congressional resolution that confirmed Ohio’s status as a state retroactive to 1803), and issued by proclamation in 1913. Shortly thereafter, two other states also ratified the Amendment. Under Article V of the Constitution, only three‑fourths of the states are needed to ratify an Amendment. There were enough states ratifying the Sixteenth Amendment even without Ohio to complete the number needed for ratification. Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the income tax laws enacted subsequent to ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in Brushaber v. Union Pacific R.R., 240 U.S. 1 (1916). Since that time, the courts have consistently upheld the constitutionality of the federal income tax.

    Similarly, Robert L. Schulz, along with his organizations, We the People Congress and We the People Foundation, marketed and distributed to customers a fraudulent “Tax Termination Package” supposedly providing a way for taxpayers to legally stop withholding and paying taxes. The scheme was based on a number of false premises, including the claim that the Sixteenth Amendment was not properly ratified. In August 2007, a federal court permanently enjoined Mr. Schulz and his organizations from promoting the scheme. See http://www.usdoj.gov/tax/txdv07595.htm. United States v. Schulz, 529 F.Supp.2d 341 (N.D.N.Y. 2007), aff’d 517 F.3d 606 (2nd Cir. 2008), cert. denied, 129 S.Ct. 435 (2008).

    In March 2008, a federal court in California permanently barred Steven Hempfling from selling a tax fraud scheme that falsely claims to give customers a legal defense against criminal prosecutions for income tax evasion. The court found that Hempfling sold a “16th Amendment Reliance Program” that falsely promised customers that they could rely on the opinion of an Illinois tax defier, William Benson, to stop filing tax returns and to stop paying federal taxes and avoid being convicted of federal tax crimes. The court also barred Hempfling from selling “how-to” manuals that falsely tell customers that IRS tax liens and levies are invalid and that employers are not required to withhold federal income taxes from employees’ pay. See http://www.usdoj.gov/tax/txdv08250.htm.

    William Benson wrote the book The Law That Never Was, in which he asserts that the Sixteenth Amendment was not properly ratified. On his website, Benson sold his book, accompanied with excepts from state legislative histories, records from the National Archives, court cases, and other materials, in what he titled a “Reliance Defense Package.” In January 2008, the District Court for the Northern District of Illinois granted a permanent injunction against Benson, barring him from promoting, organizing, or selling the “Reliance Defense Package” or the “16th Amendment Reliance Package” or any other tax shelter, plan, or arrangement. United States v. Benson, 2008 WL 267055 (N.D. Ill. Jan. 10, 2008). The district court, however, did not require Benson to turn over his customer list. In April 2009, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the permanent injunction but reversed and remanded regarding the customer list. 561 F.3d 718 (7th Cir. 2009).

    The IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2005-19, 2005-1 C.B. 819, which discusses this frivolous argument in more detail, warning taxpayers of the consequences of attempting to pursue a claim on these grounds.

    Relevant Case Law:
    Socia v. Commissioner, 23 F.3d 941 (5th Cir. 1994), reh’g denied, 35 F.3d 568 (5th Cir. 1994), cert. denied, 513 U.S. 1153 (1995) – the court held that defendant’s appeals which challenged Sixteenth Amendment income tax legislation were frivolous and warranted sanctions.

    Miller v. United States, 868 F.2d 236, 241 (7th Cir. 1989) (per curiam) – the court stated, “We find it hard to understand why the long and unbroken line of cases upholding the constitutionality of the sixteenth amendment generally, Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Company . . . and those specifically rejecting the argument advanced in The Law That Never Was, have not persuaded Miller and his compatriots to seek a more effective forum for airing their attack on the federal income tax structure.” The court imposed sanctions on them for having advanced a “patently frivolous” position.

    United States v. Stahl, 792 F.2d 1438, 1441 (9th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 1036 (1987) – stating that “the Secretary of State’s certification under authority of Congress that the sixteenth amendment has been ratified by the requisite number of states and has become part of the Constitution is conclusive upon the courts,” the court upheld Stahl’s conviction for failure to file returns and for making a false statement.

    United States v. Foster, 789 F.2d 457 (7th Cir. 1986), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 883 (1986) – the court affirmed Foster’s conviction for tax evasion, failing to file a return, and filing a false W-4 statement, rejecting his claim that the Sixteenth Amendment was never properly ratified.

    Knoblauch v. Commissioner, 749 F.2d 200, 201 (5th Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 474 U.S. 830 (1986) – the court rejected the contention that the Sixteenth Amendment was not constitutionally adopted as “totally without merit” and imposed monetary sanctions against Knoblauch based on the frivolousness of his appeal. “Every court that has considered this argument has rejected it,” the court observed.

    Stearman v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2005-39, 89 T.C.M. (CCH) 823 (2005), aff’d, 436 F.3d 533 (5th Cir. 2006), cert. denied, 547 U.S. 1207 (2006). – the court imposed sanctions totaling $25,000 against the taxpayer for advancing arguments characteristic of tax-protester rhetoric that have been universally rejected by the courts, including arguments regarding the Sixteenth Amendment. In affirming the Tax Court’s holding, the Fifth Circuit granted the government’s request for further sanctions of $6,000 against the taxpayer for maintaining frivolous arguments on appeal, and the Fifth Circuit imposed an additional $6,000 sanctions on its own, for total additional sanctions of $12,000.

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