Blond Sagacity has an update on the trial of terrorist Abdullah al-Muhajir otherwise known to the left wing of this country as “poor Jose Padilla, victim of BushCo”, which includes a link to an intriguing Glen Beck item that links Padilla to the Oklahoma City Bombing. The argument isn’t on completely solid footing, and largely rests on the resemblance of Padilla to a Police sketch or two and also the undeniable fact that White Nationalists are more than willing to work with Muslim extremists.
It’s an interesting read, and the third bomber scenario is one of the most troubling questions about the whole incident, especially because as of now the government really hasn’t explained why they don’t believe there was anyone else besides McViegh and Nichols involved. Jayna Davis has a book out exploring the subject in depth that is well worth your time.
Reports on Davis’ quest for answers have been circulating the web for years, but the MSM continues to ignore this important story, and Padilla’s alleged connection. One thing is for certain, it is vital that we find out if these allegations are true, because their implications are momentous.