The Woke Up Late Link Round Up

I have a dog on diuretics who’s learned to wake me up every two hours or, as in the case of last night, every hour to go outside. Needless to say I don’t set an alarm, but today I’m working on an interview with Michelle Malkin hate mailer/film maker Brandy Priestess while trying to convince my wife that I need a new charcoal grill, a revolver chambered in the new .327 Federal Magnum and a CO2 pistol custom made for Shadowrun fans. I need it chummer!

Thus the link round up:

There was a mini race riot in an Arizona school between Black and Latino students. The school district isn’t returning comments to reporters so the media just can’t figure out why this happened. Maybe they should talk to Ted Hayes. Support the Crispus Attacks Brigade!

Or they could read this Stanford Review article that shows the uncanny similarity between Mecha and the Ku Klux Klan. Mechas racialist stance is credited with getting Tom Metzger to endorse Cruz Bustamonte!

Ralph Nader just got the coveted Far Left/Far Right synthesis endorsement. The Left/Right synthesis is better known as White Nationalism. Guess who they want for a running mate for Nader?

Hilary supporters are playing for keeps, watch your back Obama girl.

Morons at the Oxford Health Alliance claim obesity is more dangerous than terrorism. Apparently obesity is a world wide problem, so all those stories of famine in Africa are, according to these idiots, bunk.

Global Warming? It’s been the worst winter in forty years. We will perish Not by Fire but by Ice. Buy the book and be shocked.

Lionheart puts his arrest in context.

It’s safe to say Velvet Hammer won’t be voting for Obama.

G.S.G.F. is full of audacity. For Victory and for Pride.

And finally, don’t let the Baby Boomers screw up your children!

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