Northern Lebanon Hit by Katyusha Rockets

The rockets, eleven in all, are reportedly being fired from a the besieged Palestinian refugee camp that was the base of operations for Fatah al-Islam. The militants there are still fighting a war of attrition with Lebanese forces.

From Beirut to the Beltway has some disturbing news about the military leadership presenting Fatah al-Islam as a Jewish (!?!) conspiracy, and wonders if the Hezbollah supporting Psuedo Baathists have plans for Lebanon’s future.

The rockets come just days after the U.N. tentatively iidentified the Harrari assassins as foreign nationals linked to pro-Syrian terror groups operating inside Lebanon.

While the Baathist/Nazi connection is well documented, Michael J. Totten filed this report about Lebanon that among other things exposes Hezbollah’s alliance with Lebanese neo-Nazis:

The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (think “national socialists,” aka Nazis) put a spinning swastika on their flag. They are basically the Lebanese branch of the Baath Party and want to merge Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and even Cyprus (!) back into “Greater Syria.” Several members were recently arrested by the army for plotting terrorist attacks inside Lebanon. One of their offices was torched by angry citizens a few weeks ago. The few hundred members who remain have aligned themselves with (who else?) the Hezbollah bloc.

The report is worth reading for the other points it makes, especially regarding the stability, or lack thereof, of the government. But the above tidbit puts Islamism, especially Iranian backed Islamism, in the proper context. Our own neo-Nazi’s have long embraced Hezbollah’s masters, a fact that is largely ignored by the left, but the fact that Neo-Nazi’s world wide are running to embrace Iran and it’s proxies should tell us all we need to know about Iran’s regime.

Although the left in this country is convinced it is Bush and his supporters, not those who embrace National Socialism, who are Nazi-esque.

Gateway Pundit has more.