Like many of us, the Israelis simply aren’t buying into the NIE. They’re in good company as anyone who isn’t a Pro-Mullah hack has some pointed criticism of the newest report on Iranian nuke capability.
Alan Dershowitz isn’t buying it, and even British intelligence is saying that American operatives allowed themselves to be snuckered.
Now Israeli politicians are going further, saying that America is ignoring a threat as grave as Nazi Germany. From Ynet:
Yitzhak Cohen says during cabinet meeting ‘US intelligence report was ordered by someone who wants dialogue with Tehran. Minister Eli Yishai: ‘We must not play dumb in the face of the report’s findings’
“The manner in which the Americans relate to the intelligence report on Iran is similar to the way in which they viewed those reports they received during the Holocaust on railways transporting hundreds of thousands of Jews to their death at Auschwitz,” Minister Yitzhak Cohen of Shas said during a security cabinet meeting Sunday morning on the Iranian nuclear issue.
“It can not be that (US President George W.) Bush is committed to peace as was declared at Annapolis, and then the Americans propagate such an intelligence report which contradicts the information we have proving Iran intends to obtain nuclear weapons,” Cohen said. “How can we rely on the Americans if they publish this report that emasculates what the world explicitly knows regarding Iran, and renders impotent the entire struggle against the Iranians?”
Minister Cohen asserted that the report must have been “ordered by someone who wants dialogue with Tehran” and formulated an historical analogy to express just how serious the situation is: “In the middle of the previous century the Americans received intelligence reports from Auschwitz on the packed trains going to the extermination camps. They claimed then that the railways were industrial. Their attitude today to the information coming out of Iran on the Iranians’ intention to produce a nuclear bomb reminds one of their attitude during the holocaust.”
Cabinet Member Cohen had this to say to his fellow ministers not present in the meeting: “Whoever thinks that the president of Iran is a lover of Zion, with Kosher certification from the Americans, misleads and is mislead. He is not a lover of Zion, but instead an aspiring strangler of Zion. Someone in America fell asleep on his watch, but we must remain awake and aware.
Windbaggery to be sure, but with Israelis panicking at a seeming abandonment of the Jewish state by it’s biggest, strongest ally, every option will be on the table in their defense. Israel is already trying lure some 650,000 of it’s citizens who live abroad home, ostensibly to celebrate it’s 60th anniversary but it’s as likely they want a bigger pool of conscripts to draw upon for a war with Iran.
DEBKA is reporting that Israeli defense ministers are recommending unilateral action against Iran is necessary.
Israel’s low intensity conflict in Gaza has decimated, but not yet destroyed, Hamas and Fatah. Even though Hamas cannot support an economy in Gaza and Israel is striking terrorist rocket launch positions several times week, the terror organization is still vowing constant war. For Israel to consider opening a new front against a powerful enemy they must be certain indeed that Iran is a danger.
And they must be scared, which isn’t a good sign.
Also scared: Pam Gellar who wrote this article claiming that the U.S. (not just the usual suspects on the left) is creating Judeophobia. A lot of Jewish people are worried about America’s stand on Israel. My question is should they be?