F.A.R.C. Has 50 Kilos of Uranium!?!

I missed this part of the Columbia story yesterday. From CNN:

And evidence found in the raid suggests that Chavez recently gave the FARC $300 million, Colombia’s national police chief said Monday.

Speaking at a news conference, Gen. Oscar Naranjo said evidence in three seized computers also suggests FARC had given Chavez 100 million pesos when he was a jailed rebel leader.

Naranjo said other evidence in the computers suggests FARC purchased 50 kilograms of uranium this month.

Open borders seems like an even better idea now, doesn’t it? Ynet is reporting that F.A.R.C. wanted to make dirty bombs, perhaps for an offensive in Columbia. Or maybe to smuggle into Americaalong one of their drug routes.

Fausta, Gateway Pundit and The Real Cuba have great coverage. Babalu Blog is wondering if Cuban “advisers” will be heading for the Columbian border. The Devil’s Excrement has a great rundown and Caracas Chronicles has a great story of Venezuelan cab drivers blocking the routes need for Venezuelan military mobilization in protest over rising crime.

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