Day of the Bomb

I feel like it’s 1999 and I’m a Y2K nut. But it seems like today we’re all moving a bit closer to a civil war in America and a World War as tensions rise in Latin America.

The Bombing in Times Square overshadowed the story of a U.C. Davis Student caught with two pipe bombs in his dorm room. No word yet on what his plans were for the bombs.

F.A.R.C. has blown up a oil pipeline in Columbia in retaliation for a Columbian military operation which killed one of their senior members and led to the capture of a laptop containing sensitive F.A.R.C. intelligence.

N.J. Authorities are reporting that they’ve disrupted a “military style” attack on a local high school. One adult is under arrest and up to nine other people are being questioned about the attack. The father of a 17 year old suspect was required to turn over his guns.

Tired of the constant barrage of rockets from Hamas, an Israeli civilian built his own Katusha rocket. Authorities stopped him from launching the missile into Gaza.

Denver city hall was evacuated after a bomb threat.

Just another day? Maybe, but chaos in Latin America is bound to have repercussions here, and as more and more of the fringe American movements begin to see that the way to push their agenda forward is with arson and bombs anarchy will reign. No society can survive long in a world where bombs and threats of bombing become an everyday occurrence. In Israel the inability of the government to stop rocket attacks is causing civil breakdown.

If the American government cannot prevent bombings, beatings and home invasions by political groups we may well see civil breakdown here.