SOF has a short piece by Kay Reibold of the Montagnard Human Rights Organization in the current issue regarding the plight of the one time American allies at the hands of the vicious Vietnamese communist government which is pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing against the many indigenous peoples of South East Asia. While the United States looks the other way in an effort to improve trade relations with Hanoi, Montagnards attempting to flee Vietnam are being abused, raped and murdered by government officials.
The United Nations has been complicit in helping hide the magnitude of the atrocities committed against the Montagnards, as can be seen in the whitewashing of the situation on the UNHCR’s website shows. In the meantime, Montagnards that have been able to resettle in the U.S. are in limbo, waiting to hear of the fates of their families and debating what their next move should be.
It has been thirty years since America’s precipitous withdrawal led to the massacres of millions of people. Thirty years and the vengeful communist regime continues a campaign of terror and brutality that the MSM ignores. America has a responsibility to these people, an obligation to protect them and resettle them here if necessary and it is to our shame that we do not.