6 thoughts on “Capitol Police Allowed Anarchist Group to Deface Capitol Building!

  1. What the hell is this country coming to? Anti-American radical freaks such as those can do as they please and deface the Capitol Building?! Absolutely disgusting is right! Where was the tear gas I ask? Give them an inch…

    I’d like to find out where they lurk and do some defacing of my own! What do ya wanna bet they would cry and whine if I did. It is always a one-way street when it comes to these types and others of their ilk. Always.

  2. yeah, grandpa. we wouldn’t want people to do a little harmless spraypainting on a washed out iconic american building that has been taken over by corporate lobbyists posing as politicians who are responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide in the name of increased profit margins. that would be downright immoral. outlandish, even. go home, watch your CNN, eat your macdonalds, and go back to sleep. if you are concerned about where this country is going, it might be a good time to stop criticising the few folks determined enough to express the way that the MAJORITY of americans feel to an unheeding administration, and start joining in on criticising the administration itself…oh, and please feel free to come down to where we “lurk” and write watever graffitti you feel like. i can’t wait to hear whatever it is that you might feel strongly enough about to actually express, other than your obvious dislike for folks that do have opinions. BTW, there is no way to be anti-american, even being anti-american is part of the way this country works…

  3. It’s easy to say spray painting a building is harmless when you’ve spent your life handing off your fines to your rich daddy. Point is that a bunch of rich white kids who touch themselves while fantasizing about “the revolution” got a free pass to act up that the rest of us wouldn’t, mainly because the cops knew that one or more were related to a Dem no doubt.

    Had this been the Black Panthers, the cops would have cracked some heads.

    Oh, and running with grioups like A.N.S.W.E.R., who supported the soviet wars of agression and even now seek to overthrow our country and the freedoms you pretend to cherish, is indeed anti-American.

  4. Let’s see where do I start…lucasmeyer
    Last time I looked leftie dems occupied the Capitol building too. Oh my can you handle that? I hope I didn’t give you to much of a shock.
    Respect is respect..unfortunately the great unwashed does not grasp that concept.
    c.n.n. ??? LMFAO
    mc donalds not likely. I have far better taste than that.

    “criticising the few folks determined enough to express the way that the MAJORITY of americans feel to an unheeding administration, and start joining in on criticising the administration itself…”

    My graffitti begins here. Am I expressive enough for you? Do ya love it? :=)
    Anarchists socialists … Need I say more??? Um thanks but no thanks, I do not believe that the MAJORITY of Americans wish to be led down your utopian garden path towards communisim. So way dontcha get the hell out of dodge! Cause you are not an American in any sense of the term.

    “BTW, there is no way to be anti-american, even being anti-american is part of the way this country works…”

    In a whackjob asshat moonbats dream maybe…..
    And last but not least democracy and freedom is what allows you, your freedom of speech. Have you asked any of your fellow comarades in China or Cuba how the freedom thing is working out for them lately?????

    BTW Rob Thanks for joining my community at you know where. 😉 You are my first.

  5. Right on Velvet,
    I didn’t even know how to respond to his “C.N.N.” thing. You should see the comments I’ve been getting on this post I did about Ed Brown. They make lucas look like a genius.

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