Apocalypse Soon!

Doom and gloom reigns on the right side of the blogosphere. Of course there’s good reason for it. Cold Fury sums up the fear we all feel, and is echoed in sentiment by Sad Old Goth who’s even more melancholy than usual.

With the elections over the “moderates” on the left are able to leap deeper into neo-Bolshevik territory and openly propagandize for our enemies. Kos kid LondonYank’s new diary, fellatiously received by the rich white coffee house Socialists who imagine radical Muslims are their allies, is a butchered conspiracy theory using Iranian propaganda as references. Among other things he claims there is a “thriving homosexual community” in Iran. He neglects to mention that thriving community is down two. He states, without any correction from his theoretically Feminist audience, that women “rarely suffer the isolation, poverty and violence in Iran that so many suffer from family breakdown in America,” despite ample evidence of the second class status of women, and the recent case of an Iranian girl being put to death for the crime of defending herself and her niece from three rapists.

The amount of agreement LondonYank receives is troubling.

Not, perhaps, as troubling as the light sentence given to a Muslim couple who kept a slave girl in California. Not as troubling as Fatah’s policy shift in calling for attacks against America. Certainly DailyKos turning a blind eye to Iranian propaganda isn’t as troubling as this report, or its possible implications for a newly neutered America.

Then of course there’s the Mark Steyn editorial which points out exactly why our pullout from Iraq will embolden the military ambitions of world observers who are coming to believe more and more every day that America’s the new France.

Speaking of France, while they can’t get together the will end the brutal gang rapes of poor women they have almost engaged Israel in combat after a series of spurious allegations that Israel is attempting to attack the European peace keepers. France, just as in their collaborations with Hitler, have declared what side they’re on in the coming war.

But have we?