One of my earlier posts, The New Klan: has gotten some attention thanks to it being excerpted (or in one case lifted entirely) on other forums. One forum in particular was abuzz, with angry leftists asserting that I made the entire story up. It seems that some one called “nighttime624” posted my entire article on the My Way political forum (which I appreciate), which is apparently an extremely left leaning site. As one would expect, mayhem ensued. If nothing else, click the above link to see some of the worst spelling and grammar on the ‘net, and I mean my posts.
Apparently this “nighttime624” is considered some sort of troll, and because he or she simply republished my article (though to be fair he did attribute it to me) there was some confusion about the authorship. I must say I much preferred how Winged Hussar at Free Republic excerpted my post, then sent traffic here, because after all I do try to spruce the place up for guests. Perhaps it was because of the perceived familiarity that the post were so personal in their attacks. One poster wrote a convoluted attack on the logic of the article which unfortunately included the word “negroes” twice, almost as an unintentional illustration of the kind of prejudice on the left I spoke of.
But the angriest and loudest voice was from “black_n_silver_girl” who flat out accused me of making the whole story up. Her point is that in asserting that the racist comments posted were in fact by MoveOn supporters, and not as she contends by “political enemies” trying to make the organization look bad, that I’m actively lying to support some right wing agenda. I of course am a late comer to the story, so as a service to “black_n_silver_girl”, who I invited to post her evidence of a conspiracy here, I’ve provided a list of links to this story she seems to believe I’ve pulled from my ass.
The Spectator picked up the story in September, while The Washington Times had op-ed pieces in August and September. The Evening Bulletin ran a piece on the rise of anti-Antisemitism on the left that mentions
Israpundit has some of the best coverage of the scandal, here, here and here. I include these so that black_n_silver can see that her conspiracy theory was debunked a few weeks ago. Of course the freeper’s have a whole section devoted to this and as I referenced in the original post W.M.D. has a wealth of information on this and other important stories. It’s one of my favorite sites, in fact.
This will of course not stop “black_n_silver_girl” from accusing me of fabricating the entire story. Attacks are to be expected from the far left when their unseemly associations with anti-American elements like the Aryan nations, or their tolerance of the hateful rhetoric on the fringe of the left are exposed. To be called a liar by members of the radical left is to know that you’ve hit upon a nerve, spoken a truth that they cannot bear to hear. When the left attempts to side step a debate by calling we on the right liars, we have already won.
What a sad, hate-filled troll you are.
Actually I’m a happy, candy filled troll. But that’s because it’s Halloween, the greatest holiday ever invented (in America I might add) and the first day of the year for my people. (that should add a nice layer to your conspiracy theories about me and my trollishness)
Happy Samhain!