Pole Shift Coming?

If so looks like I’ll have to apologize to the boys at the conspiracy forums, though only halfheartedly since this is a natural phenomenon that has happened before and scientists have seen fluctuations in magnetic North over the centuries. Sorry kids, but HAARP isn’t doing this.

There is also some speculation that the drift of magnetic north is responsible for some of the bird die offs we’ve been seeing.

5 thoughts on “Pole Shift Coming?

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I’ve heard about this happening for a long time. They’ve talked about this at least a few times on the Discovery Channel, as well as the History Channel, and one or two of the collage class I took. Its definitively not a good thing, but I don’t think it will be much of a threat to our survival or well being in the long run.

  2. I am also guessing this is why we’re getting cold weather too…it’s NOT because of Global Warming.

    Al Gore doesn’t know how the Earth works apparently.

  3. Mah29001,

    How would this effect the climate? I have not seen “An Inconvenient Truth.” Some of Al Gore’s claims maybe alarmist, however, there’s been amble scientific evidence that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere effects the temperature of a planet. On the other hand, I don’t know of any data that would suggest that a pole shift would have an effect on climate.

  4. It’s always colder at the poles of the planet…sine this is in a pole shift…why couldn’t it be possible for those animals to not withstand that brand of weather that they would not normally face?

  5. Mah29001,

    We’re talking about a magnetic pole shift here. The magnetic north pole is not the same thing as the North Pole. Having a magnetic pole shift, shouldn’t have any effect on the planet’s temperature. The only thing that would make the polar regions of the planet hotter than other regions of the planet would be if the Earth’s axis were to change dramatically, than the regions around the equator would freeze, but that’s not the same thing as a pole shift.

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