Survival Skills Resource Link Dump

Some interesting links follow that will help you prepare for the bad times:

A Woodsrunner’s Diary has one of the best short lessons on making cordage I’ve ever seen on the web. In any SHTF situation that lasts more than a couple of weeks you’ll have some time on your hands and plenty of uses for strong cordage.

Backwoods Home Magazine has an article online detailing proper fuel storage for the homestead.

Dolly Freed of Possum Living fame has a Tomato garden that will put you to shame.

Here’s a great overview of traditional food preservation methods from “Grandpappy” Robert Wayne Atkins.

The Urban Survivalist made an Altoid tin stove. This is a great DIY item for a go bag or every day carry.

Survival Mom has a nice primer on non-hybrid seeds.

Of note to you .45 shooters out there who reload, some cowboy action shooters have been using black powder .45 acp reloads that function just fine in the 1911. This opens up some options for you if ammo gets scarce.

And if you try out the above The American Preppers Network has a tip on keeping the costs of gun cleaning down.

Survival Blog has a list of country living related books available online from Project Gutenberg.

Cat Ellis of Better Living Daily has a podcast up which details the basics of off-grid living.

First Ways has a good article on Red Clover. Many herbalists and “natural healers” use this pant as medicine so there is a market for it.