Traitor from New York Propagandizing for Hugo Chavez


New york native Eva Golinger is the author of pro-communist Chavez propaganda books The Chavez Code and Bush vs. Chavez:Washington’s War on Venezuela and now has a pro-Bolivarian axis blog that openly attacks America while covering up the Chavez regime’s horrible human rights abuses.

Like her books the blog is built on lie upon lie aimed at demonizing America and white washing Chavez’s push toward becoming a dictator. As Western Hemisphere Policy Watch says:

Eva Golinger says she is a native New Yorker and the anti-American vitriol is present in living video color with one video of an exchange between her and HC himself. Will she be joining the club of Americans that commit acts bordering on treason, or actually are treason, against the U.S. such as Johnny Walker Lindh, Ana Belen Montes, Adam Gadahn, Lori Berenson, and so many other modern day spies and those unknown? Let’s hope the FBI takes note.

I agree whole heartedly. Get the real story on Chavez at The Devil’s Excrement, Vcrisis and Publis Pundit.

One thought on “Traitor from New York Propagandizing for Hugo Chavez

  1. How can someone who claims to be a defender of human rights on her website promote and defend Hugo Chavez, a serial murderer, wife beater, jailer of innocents, hatemonger, oppressor, etc?
    As she lines her pockets with her evil master’s ill gotten wealth, the forces of retribution have taken note for when his fortune changes and Venezuela’s improves. Some day, if there is justice, she will be behind bars for her participation in crimes against humanity. A cada cochino le llega su sabado, Eva.

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