Western Hemisphere Policy Watch has reported that representatives of the P.L.A. are in Cuba with an eye on “increased bilateral relations” by which they may mean installing Chinese military bases or weapons systems on the Communist Island. Given China’s recent demonstration of its “asymmetric warfare” capability, and its massive military capabilities, can we afford the wait and see policy our government has adopted when it comes to Cuba?
China is already planning to build “oil rigs” uncomfortably close to our shores thanks to the Democratic Party’s attempts to woo the green vote, rigs which besides drilling for oil they could use to house all sorts of military weapons systems as well as give China the pretext to move elements of their fleet into positions around our coast. Communist dictators like Chavez who have been involved in massive arms build ups will have their confidence bolstered by having new powerful allies with military assets in the region.
While the war on terror rages on, our Communist enemies are quietly preparing for the next stage in their “glorious revolution.”