Gulf Cartel Preparing for “Confrontation” with U.S. Law Enforcement in South Texas

From The Chron:

McALLEN — Frustrated by a crackdown on South Texas drug smuggling routes, the Mexican Gulf Cartel is stockpiling high-powered weapons and recruiting local gang members on both sides of the border to prepare for possible confrontations with U.S. law enforcement, according to an FBI intelligence report.

The regional leader of the cartel’s enforcer group, the Zetas, Jaime “El Hummer” Gonzalez Duran ordered dozens of reinforcements to Reynosa, Mexico, across the river from McAllen, the report said.

“These replacements are believed to be armed with assault rifles, bulletproof vests and grenades and are occupying safe houses throughout the McAllen area,” the report obtained by The McAllen Monitor said.

The Monitor reported in today’s editions that the local FBI office refused to comment on the report.

Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, refused to discuss the details of the report but told The Associated Press “we acknowledge the Zetas are a significant problem in Mexico and they have the potential to pose a significant problem to law enforcement on this side of the border.”

Less than two weeks ago, the Border Patrol, the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Hidalgo County sheriff announced that they would not be intimidated by cartel violence. At the time, they would only say that they felt the smugglers had become increasingly confrontational and the agencies planned to increase their coordination.

Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino said at the time that his deputies patrolling near the Rio Grande would be issued high-powered rifles and authorized to return fire.

The Gulf Cartel is thought to be planning to retaliate against American officials who have successfully cracked down on drug running and stood firm in the face of threats of violence. If the Cartels launch a major offensive in the states, it will be in essence a declaration of war on America by a non-state actor, just as the 9/11 attacks were. We are more limited in our options however, as Mexico isn’t harboring the cartels, but actively fighting them.

A cartel hit on our police will also prove once and for all that the cartels are powerful enough to not be afraid to engage a first world power militarily, meaning the political situation in the world has changed drastically. When the world’s only superpower cannot intimidate drug gangs into not staging military style assaults on our officials, citizens in those areas can no longer rely on the government to protect them.

h/t N.T.A.

3 thoughts on “Gulf Cartel Preparing for “Confrontation” with U.S. Law Enforcement in South Texas

  1. I think one reason these cartels are able to get themselves inside the USA is with the aid of the Columbian-based terrorst group FARC, and even allegedly they are aligned with al-Qaeda. I would speculate, that FARC terrorists are helping Mexican drug cartels head into the USA.

  2. It’s amazing what these prohibition- driven, insane profit margins lead to. When was the last time you heard of alcohol or tobacco manufacturers or distributors doing something like this? Maybe back when alcohol was illegal?

    This is the type of insanity that people refer to when they mention legalization decreasing crime and violence. These cartels derive their power and influence from the huge profits, and the huge profits are the direct result of the risk involved with supplying this huge market even though it is illegal.

    That said, we need to bring the force of our military to bear on these miscreants and mop the bastards up, regardless of how the Mexican government protests.

    Thanks for the coverage of this issue. We don’t hear nearly enough about it.

  3. Confiscation of all U.S. citizens’ , weapons. This is the way to resolve the issue.

    After all America is no longer about LIBERTY. It is about SOCIALISM. This is exactly what all Law Enforcement personnel support. They take orders. An follow orders from what ever authority signs their check.

    Just as the Officer that stops, anyone says. “Tell me the truth about every thing you have and what you are doing and this will be easy.”

    Giving up your RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT IS EASY. It gets hard when every thing you say, can a will be used or distorted, to fit the needs of government to extract funds and imprison anyone it can. You see America is about revenue.

    Governments have all ways been against the Citizens throughout all history. Why are American citizens so foolish to think differently?

    Handouts thru socialized subsidy system of welfare. Rooted in Communistic values. A system so corrupt. votes are paid for in the open and advertised as less tax on income. Fact is the U.S. Government has so much currency that it gives Trillions to other Countries. Even though their own affairs are not in financial order here at home.

    Today it makes no difference who is President. Want to discover how free you are? Try building a structure with out government permission and paying fees. Go talk to your local smart-ass building inspector. They love to bully anyone they can. An there are millions of others All Minions of Government.

    This site “Red Alerts” appears to be a trolling site setup for the government and most likely is.

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