Uh-oh. So far the worst of the Cartel drug war has been contained in Mexico, with what is relatively minor spillover into the border states. Now the there’s credible intelligence that the drug lords will be sending assassins into the U.S. to hit 10-15 victims according to El Paso police:
EL PASO, Texas — Security is being heightened along the southern U.S. border because of a threat that warring Mexican cartels may send hit men into the United States, authorities said Monday.
Law enforcement officials would not discuss specific security measures being taken at the ports of entry, along the border or in the city of El Paso, Texas.
“We received credible information that drug cartels in Mexico have given permission to hit targets on the U.S. side of the border,” El Paso police spokesman Officer Chris Mears said.
Authorities learned of the threat last week.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Chief Officer Rick Lopez said: “CBP is on heightened alert ever since we became aware of the threats in Mexico.”
U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said officials “are reinforcing the importance of vigilance.”
Drug cartel violence has claimed thousands of lives in Mexico this year. Nearly 800 people have been killed in Ciudad Juarez, a hardscrabble city of about 1.3 million people across the Rio Grande from El Paso.
The cartels, battling one another and the Mexican government for supremacy and control of lucrative drug and human smuggling routes, have become brazen in their attacks in recent months.
In Juarez this month, masked gunmen stormed a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center and killed eight people. Days later, Red Cross workers stopped treating gunshot victims for several hours after receiving death threats over Red Cross radios. The Red Cross had already stopped responding to emergency calls after 10 p.m. because of security concerns.
Law enforcement officials this year in New Mexico and Texas said they had received a purported cartel hit list identifying 15 to 20 potential targets in those states. Mears said the latest threat contained no specific targets.
The Cartels have proven to have the ability to corrupt entire military units and supply their private armies with military grade training and weaponry. If they have decided that they can safely operate on American soil with impunity then border town streets will run red with blood.
I hope people will start seen that open borders are not a good deal. With out securing our borders we are making things easier for the criminals to turn our country the same way their is.
I agree 100%, ana.
And let’s also not forget that it is US drug prohibition that drives the insane profit margins on illegal drugs transactions that allow these cartels to financially flourish like they do!
Del, I just got one question you believe that if these drugs were not prohibit
there will be no cartels if so how? please explain
All actions by cartels or individual invaders are on the same sheet of music. “INVASION” Your Democratic Party is ok with this. Most of the Republican Party is ok with this. How can one be sure the leader ship of America is ok with this. It is being allowed to happen. In this case “TRUTH SPEEKS LOUDER THEN WORDS.” Also in this case “ACTION SPEEKS LOUDER THEN WORDS.”
Screw the State Authorties and the Federal Authorties. If you want to keep your Country ? Grab all able body Citizens. Get Guns and Supplies. Go to the border setup a defensive permiter. START THE “DEATH ZONE”. Start it today !
So your solution is total anarchy?
Del, I just got one question you believe that if these drugs were not prohibit there will be no cartels if so how? please explain
Straw Man #1…
So your solution is total anarchy?
Straw Man #2..
You guys just love to put words in my mouth, don’t you?
I didn’t say either of those things. I simply stated a basic fact of Economics 101. Let me elaborate..
When products that are in high demand in the marketplace are made more scarce through legal prohibition, the profit margins on those products sky rocket when people on the wrong side of the law take the risk of supplying those products to the market in an illegal manner. The risks inherent in the activity of breaking the law to supply the market demands simply increases the cost of the goods and hence the profit margins of the supplier. That is a fact that I hope we can all agree upon. As I said, this is Economics 101 stuff. This skyrocketing profit margin allows those participating in this illegal black market to profit greatly and increases their propensity to engage in violent acts to protect their “turf”, or illegal market share..
Simply look back at the involvement of organized crime in the sale of alcohol during the time periods in our nation during which alcohol sales were illegal. We in these United States have a well documented history on this topic related to the prohibition of alcohol. Making alcohol illegal didn’t stop people from buying alcohol. It simply caused the trade to go underground and to be much more profitable for those willing to break the law. and for those suppliers to be much more willing to become violent to protect their economic interests.
Does that mean that there are no more organized crime outfits in the US simply because alcohol is no longer illegal for adults to purchase? No. I never said that. Hence Straw Man #1.
It simply means that organized crime can no longer profit wildly today by the sale of alcohol and that when today’s legal alcohol producers have a conflict, the don’t mow each other down with tommy guns on the streets of Chicago any more. They instead now attempt to market their legal products more effectively and try to gain market share instead of trying to knock of their competition through gangland assassination. This is also a fact.
Unfortunately there are many more illegal activities that these groups can profit from, like prostitution rings, illegal and cheap cigarettes, and illegal drug sales. When alcohol was no longer illegal and therefore no longer hugely profitable, they simply moved on to other things that still were, like the sale of illegal drugs or prostitution.
If anything, the prohibition of alcohol created more “anarchy” than the legalization of alcohol did. On this much I hope we can also agree. Hence Straw Man #2.
And on a side note, while I agree that it is critical that we as a nation get much more serious about securing our borders, a goal I support 110%, I don’t really think that the above proposed solution of getting your guns and creating a “DEATH ZONE” on the border is really the answer.
I believe that way too many desperate, and otherwise innocent, people who just want to come enjoy the opportunities of our land would end up dead. I’d rather see a system put in place where more legal immigrants could come here legally to work in a controlled and secure way, and the borders were locked down much tighter against people who would come here illegally.
So your solution is total anarchy?
I truly enjoy your site but you really are quite the drama queen sometimes, Rob!
Del, my comment was to “Liberty is Freedom” who has advocated turning the border into “Death Zones” (his words) in the very comment above mine.
I think you’re being a little bit of a drama queen by trying to find some way to be offended.
But to your point that organized crime would be removed from the drug trade if it were legal, is the mob not involved in the bar/club industry and the liquor distribution industry? In Jersey where I’m from they certainly are.
The mob moved on and continued to profit from alcohol long after prohibition was repealed. Likewise, MS-13 and similar groups will not happily walk away from any profit making business they already own a piece of. When you’re able to open a head shop that sells weed you can be sure that you’ll get a visit from Eme, MS-13, BGD or some other gang demanding “taxes” and if you don’t pay you will die.
But at least that death will be moved from the drug related category to the organized crime one.
Eme (Mexican Mafia) “taxes” The Mongols just for having the temerity to recruit Hispanics into their club and The Mongols are one of the most violent biker gangs in America. Do you really think legitimate businessmen and people growing their own will be safe from these groups because we legalize the substance?