Western Hemisphere Policy Watch breaks yet another story the MSM ignores yet is vitally important to every American. I encourage you to read the post, but if you’re pressed for time, it basically says that although Brazil has denied the existence of terror cells in their country for years police and intelligence officials have been monitoring the movements of a Muslim convert and the group he’s affiliated with, who are in turn affiliated with Al-Qaeda.
This report comes on the heels of another report of Islamic militancy in south of the border, this time Hezbollah in Venezuela, who put out a call earlier this month for attacks on “Jewish interests” in Latin America.
Of course, there are more immediate threats to our border that the MSM is also ignoring, like the leftist terror group EZLN who are spreading their influence into the United States and holding “meetings” less than a hundred miles from our border.
The war on terror is closer than American think, it won’t be long before a new front opens that we can’t redeploy from.