Proof That Obamunism is a Creepy Cult of Personality

Part gospel, part easy listening and all praise to the new secular messiah. As Allahpundit says the political tone deafness of the celebrities involved is astounding. Do they not realize co-opting Christian fervor reminiscent of 1800s revivalism would simply raise more eyebrows at what is driving the supporters of Obama?

Watch and try not to laugh:


I have to admit I didn’t laugh. I was too creeped out, especially by two White guys using the words and image of Martin Luther King, a man who worshiped Jesus, to push the new hipster religion of worshiping the wise and powerful Black man. I think Dr. King would be quite disturbed by this cult of personality usurping true religiosity.

HuffPo has the lyrics so you can sing along while lighting Barack-shaped candles and praying for the new Emperor of Man to lead us to glory. The site for the new Church of Obama is here. Yes, is involved. Are you surprised?

3 thoughts on “Proof That Obamunism is a Creepy Cult of Personality

  1. The worst part? The implied endorsement of Barack Obama by MLK, Jr.

    But yeah, the singing and weird quasi-rhythmic swaying was pretty bad too.

  2. The above music video is all about brainwashing–don’t think just accept what these idiots tell you without questioning it (which is the true mark of a cult). Sadly, public schools in the United States have apparently been reduced to indoctrination centers that crank out people who behave as though they walked straight out of that propaganda music video above. But for those who STILL CAN think for themselves…

    Obama is NOT an American! It is entirely possible he isn’t even an American citizen. Clearly he has absolutely NO respect for the constitution of the United States or the democratic priniciples it was founded on. There is nothing “American” about any of that or the “multiculturism” that the so-called progressives like Obama have been trying to replace it with.

    That stupid and seemngly innocuous propaganda music video above is itself antithetical to everything that made the United States of America a great nation.

    Wake up everybody. Obama is an anti-American and racist pseudo-president with a predilection towards Communist ideology. There is nothing “american” about what is shown in that video!

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