5 thoughts on “Even More Proof Obama Supporters are a Creepy Personality Cult

  1. Just a little overdone yeh? I am not convinced Obama will be worse a president or better than any other. Im waiting to see still what will come of it.

  2. Lol It’s not any creepier though than conservative news making Clinton’s picture transform into the devil though.

  3. oh please
    why cant you respect and support for our america no matter who president, who vote him To be accept and support him
    please quit the immautre
    be real chirstains behaviors
    god still bless him and america

  4. Like the left respected supported America under Bush Donna. Please. Obama’s about to announce that I’ll be subsidizing the spending habits of people who purchased houses they couldn’t afford, has Waxman looking into using the “fairness doctrine” to police Internet sites and will have Gitmo detainees, 65 of who have already committed mass casualty terror attacks after being released, walking our streets.

    I support America but I don’t support the administrations programs.

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