Like delicious apple pie baked by the world’s cutest chef? No my friends, Capitalism tastes better than that. It tastes something like this:
The “boys” at Slashfood think 2:46 of Rachael ray saying “Mmm” is annoying, I personally find it alluring, but I am a fan.
So what’s with the Rachael Ray you say? I happen to love Rachel Ray because she embodies my two passions in life. Good food and taking advantage of our freedom driven Capitalist system.
Rachael Ray makes money just being Rachael Ray, a cute, bubbly bad tipper (I think I saw her leave 10% on an episode of $40 a day) who you trust when she says something tastes good. Capitalism at it’s best.
I was thinking about her as I wrote my own review of the world’s greatest hamburger on the new site Fiendish Delights where I’ve been guest blogging. I guess this was all kind of a long lead in, but I’ve waited months to post that photo.
The real genius of Rachael Ray is that with all the moaning and groaning and eye rolling, you’re really fooled into thinking her food must be good when in reality, most of her recipes are just meh. Even so, she’s really turned her name into a ubiquitous enterprise, and you’ve gotta give her props for that.
Me? I’ll stick with getting my recipes from Paula Deen and her “butter boys.” But if Rachael Ray wrote a book about marketing and branding, I’d be there.