Most people treat Capitalism as a dirty word. We’ve been taught to picture Capitalists as greedy tuxedo wearing oil barons raping the earth and the third world for their own amusement. As a result many people who are thriving in our Capitalist system are ashamed of the opportunity and prosperity they enjoy, and argue for socialism in the guise of the “common good.”
But is Capitalism really that bad? What exactly do people mean when they say Capitalism? Are you a Capitalist?
If you believe in the right of an individual to own private property, if you believe in the principal of Freedom of Contract you are indeed a Capitalist. If you believe that individuals competing for profit in a free market is the true basis for innovation and leads to a higher standard of living you are a Capitalist. If you believe that people should be free to buy and sell legal goods and services without government interference you’re a Capitalist.
Here’s a great old kind of hokey video that serves as a good primer for anyone you know on how Capitalism really works. It should be required viewing for anyone you know who has ever yelled “smash Capitalism” while wearing a Che t-shirt he or she purchased at a big box:
Share this video with your children before they read the copy of the Communist Manifesto in college.