Congresswoman Bachmann just released this statement on her website:
Today, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-6) reaffirmed her support for the people of Israel and voted for the bipartisan resolution, H.Res. 34, which recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks by Hamas, reiterates the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supports the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
In debating this resolution, Bachmann stated:
“The current conflict in Gaza has drawn worldwide attention and concern. No one likes to see the destruction, the loss of life, the grief. But, Israel was pushed into a corner with no other option than to defend and protect its people. Now, it is time that Congress put its words into action and stand strong behind our most valuable ally, Israel.
“The extremist views that support terrorism and violence are the biggest threat to both our nations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Islamic Jihad actively foster violence and hinder the peace process in the Mideast. These acts endanger the entire global community, most of all the peace-loving people who live in the Middle East. These are not only Israelis, but also Palestinians. They deserve a chance for a peaceful life and a future for their children. Terrorists work to block such chances.
“The people of Israel have been victims of violence and hatred for far too long. It is imperative that the leaders of America do everything in their power to foster an environment with the Middle East that promotes peace and understanding. The future of America and Israel depend on it.”
Exactly. I’m proud our elected officials are standing by Israel and prouder still there are Republicans like Michele Bachmann willing to stand up for Israel when so many Americans are willing to devolve into rank anti-Semitism.
I appreciate Rep. Bachmann’s stance on the conflict in Gaza. I’d have a greater appreciation of her as a legislator and politician if she would spend more time speaking out on behalf of Israel and less time fighting against same-sex marriage, civil unions, and domestic partnerships.
Just sayin’.
I don’t know much about her as I rarely keep up with politicians these days (I see them all as sock puppets, unfortunately), so I can only comment on what she says that you posted here. I greatly admire her words for Israel and fearlessness in expressing her support and opinions. I fully agree with her and I am very intrigued with what else this lady has to say.
As for what Jenn says about her, I don’t know anything else than what was posted here so I’ll have to look into that. If Jenn is correct, I have to agree. There are terrible things going on in this world that seem to take a back seat every time mention of same-sex marriage comes up. I find the release of child rapists and slap on the wrists of child molesters far more serious an issue than a topic more-so about minding ones own business.
I support Rep. Bachmann for what she says here. I hope she’s not one of those bible thumpers ranting about gays and the fires of hell whilest victims of abuse are pleading to be avenged.
If you have some reputable articles on her, I would greatly appreciate the links. 🙂
American Viking, I agree with Michele Bachmann on many issues and I usually enjoy watching her as a talking head on cable news segments so I have no interest in blindly smearing her. If she were simply opposed to gay marriage, I could swallow hard and respectfully disagree with her, but it’s my understanding that she opposes all state-recognized same-sex partnerships, even completely secular ones that don’t include the word “marriage.”
Here’s a column Rep. Bachmann wrote in 2004 when she was a Minnesota state senator: Gay Marriage – A Threat to Civil and Religious Liberties, Tax Exempt Organizations
And here’s the text of the constitutional amendment she proposed in Minnesota. Note the language about marriage and its legal equivalents.
Finally, here’s a link to a radio debate between Michele Bachmann and someone from the Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans.
Rob, sorry to go so off-topic from the original post.
Here we go again with the “Religious liberties” bit. Funny, I didn’t get the memo where “religion” meant strict adherence to only one faith in this country. *sigh*. Well, at least she’s speaking up for Israel. I’m not seeing much of that from other politicians right now. I still cannot comprehend how a terrorist organization like Hamas could be gathering so much support. I can usually dissect something to shreds until I come up with a factual or some form of psychological reasoning. This just stumps me. Honestly, if someone was looking for something to render me completely speechless and answerless, this would be it.
Anyway, thank you, Jenn, for the articles.