Support Fred Thompson!


Fred Thompson isn’t a front runner, but he’s the best candidate for the G.O.P. in ’08. When I joined the Republican Party in 2000, to vote for George W. Bush, I did so because the G.O.P. had become a big tent party where Conservatives, Libertarians and Evangelicals were welcomed to stand along side Republicans proudly under one flag. Though our differences may have been immense in some respects, the issues that divided us were not as important as what united us.

The Republican party stands for freedom, the freedom of every individual man and woman to live their lives as they please. That freedom can only be realized by limited government, by a Republic in which individual rights are enshrined and protected by a law higher than elected officials or the tyranny of the masses. These values are at odds with the populist message of the Democrats and unfortunately some supposed Conservatives.

Fred Thompson is the one candidate that represents Republicanism, true Republicanism, and all that it entails. Fred Thompson believes that every American has the ability to live their lives free of government interference, he believes in securing our borders, projecting American strength where needed and keeping our families safe.

How many other politicians of either party really believe the same?

If you believe that you should be allowed to make your own decisions without the “help” of government, Fred Thompson is your candidate. If you believe that a strong presence on the world stage has deterred attacks here since 9/11 and want to continue to vigorously fight the war on terror, Fred Thompson is your candidate. If you believe that America must finally take its border security seriously, Fred Thompson is your candidate.

If you believe in the Republican party and our message of individual liberty, free markets and a strong military please consider donating to Fred Thompson’s campaign and supporting him for our party’s nomination.

Here’s the video that started his campaign:


I’m With Fred!