Lines Are Being Drawn: Jim Horn’s Message of War

A few years ago Jim Horn’s message of universal, eternal war between Islam and the west would have been dismissed out of hand even by the farthest right of the Republican Party. But times have changed and his speech to the National Federation of Republican Women was well received and won many converts among Americans who, looking across the pond to Europe, see the threat of Islamo-fascism growing and seemingly unstoppable.

Tinged with paranoia, but grounded in reality Jim Horn’s speech is the most important speech you will listen hear and it is in your best interest, whether you’re a committed leftist or rabid right winger, to listen to what he has to say and make a simple decision: Where does your alligence lie?

War is coming, and it will come to America’s shores. If may come in the form of Communist armies marching through Latin America, where Chavez has already invaded Guyana and threatens Columbia with state sponsored terrorism as well as invasion. Chavez is thought to support a Hezbolla cell in his country and has close ties to Islamist states like Iran which also sponsors terror groups in Latin America.

Or our own “far left” here, who openly operate a terrorist insurgency in our ally Mexico’s beleaguered Oaxcala province may turn their attention to our own shores. These same leftist are being groomed as allies by Islamist groups.

And Islamist themselves are active in America, training on compounds throughout the country for a day when open conflict will come. Many of these compounds are populated by former convicts who converted to Islam in prison and are connected to a Pakistani Jihadist.

We have left the gates open the enemy is here. Join the United American Committee to preserve your freedom for yourself and your children. And watch this speech with an open mind if you’re on the fence:


Part 2


Part 3


Shocking at first, but imagine the main street of your town burning like the streets of France. Imagine having to deal with a plague of honor killings or imagine a world Islamic court trying you for insulting their prophet, backed by a U.N. mandate to punish you as they see fit.

Serbs are fleeing the Kosovo in terror while the world stands by. Arab Muslim men granted Israeli citizenship just gang raped a teenage girl while calling her a “dirty Jew” and the savagery of the Muslim rioters in France has to be read to be believed. This can all happen here. This does happen here.

Where does your alligence lie?