Kierra Bell is a Patriot

John Conyers’ wife Monica is on the Detroit City Council. She acts exactly the way you’d expect the wife of a man that supports World Can’t Wait to act. Few people hold the feet of people like Monica Conyers to the fire, but one brave little girl stood up to a woman who was used to getting her way through bullying, threats and outrageous behavior.

Kierra Bell lectured Conyers on manners, something Conyers needed a long time ago, and in so doing showed Mrs. Conyers that we live in a country of equals. For too long politicians and their wives and the hangers on who infest government have held themselves to be beyond reproach and the tenor of political discourse in this country has suffered for it.

Kierra Bell speaks for all Americans, left and right, Black and White, when she demands of Conyers a commitment to comport herself as a professional and for that she is a patriot worthy of all our admiration.

Here’s the video. Kierra grilling Conyers starts around 2:43:


The worst part is that Conyers seems to be arguing the point that she shouldn’t be expected to act differently than a child. Par for the course with the Conyers.

I think Kierra bell might become the official prosecutor for Red Alerts. What do you think? When ever someone argues something spurious and nonsensical I’ll just pull out this graphic as a warning:


As one Hot Air commenter put it, Kierra took Conyers to school.

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