Happy Birthday RNC!


On this day in 1856 the Republican National Committee was born, founded by a group of brave Republicans who opposed the Democrats Pro-Slavery platform. From Grand Old Partisan:

Republicans from many state parties held their first national organizational meeting in Pittsburgh on February 22, 1856. Presiding over this preliminary session was former U.S. Senator Lawrence Brainerd (VT), a resolute anti-slavery activist.

The next day, delegates chose the first Republican National Committee. New York’s Republican state Chairman, Edwin Morgan, was then elected the first Chairman of the RNC. He had the immense responsibility of organizing the first Republican National Convention, to be held just four months later in Philadelphia. Morgan would be elected Governor of New York and U.S. Senator.

The G.O.P. should be celebrating it’s rich history instead of allowing the party to fracture. A good start would be reading the book Back to Basics for the Republican Party. Then visit the authors site Grand Old Partisan.

h/t Gateway Pundit.