Gone Fishin’ 2: Greenville Boogaloo

Actually I’m going house hunting, as the wife and I have decided to leave the blue states behind and take up residence in Greenville, S.C. I’ll be in Greenville for a few days, so if you see a particularly handsome devil out and about, say, “Hey.” And buy me a coffee.

Obviously there won’t be much here until next week, though I’ve got a little entertainment coming down the pike, tastefully Republican of course. But while I’m gone check out these great blogs if you’re not already;

Dissident News: A hidden gem on the ‘net. Witty, hip and ironic, it’s blogging the way it was supposed to be before we “professional bloggers” turned the blogosphere into a giant campaign cycle.

Ironic Surrealism: Tough talk on the Jihad, politics and all things patriotic. She compiles what’s going on around the rightosphere in concise readable posts. More than I can say for most bloggers out there.

Theo Spark: Cheeky political site for men from an Englishman still proud to call America a friend. Only semi-safe for work.

Right Truth: A counter Jihad blog worth reading. She bills herself as the voice of the resistance, and she is.

Aryamehr: One of the best Iranian Pro-Freedom blogs out there. A must read for anyone interested in the opposition perspective.

Lionheart: Sad and powerful, the blog of a devout Christian devastated by the destruction of his homeland at the hands of Jihadists empowered by decades of English “progressivism.” A cry for help from a desperate man, and a warning for Americans to guard our way of life jealously.

Libertarian Republican: Strong on defense Libertarian who joined the G.O.P. Good info on why Ron Paul shouldn’t be President.

The Devil’s Excrement: If you’re not reading this blog you don’t know anything about Venezuela, period.

Dissecting Leftism: John Ray knows the left from the inside out. Let him school ya, you’ll be surprised what you’ll learn.

Add any others I missed in the comments, and have a good week.

2 thoughts on “Gone Fishin’ 2: Greenville Boogaloo

  1. Pingback: University Update - Ron Paul - Gone Fishin’ 2: Greenville Boogaloo

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