Charlton Heston was My President


Charlton Heston died Saturday night at the age of 84. Heston was one of the first White actors to actively campaign for civil rights, accompanying Martin Luther King in the famous D.C. protest.

An old fashioned conservative, and a cold war Democrat in the John F. Kennedy mold, Heston soon found himself the object of derision and ridicule from the White liberal establishment for his support of a color blind society, freedom of speech, and most importantly the right to bear arms. He didn’t deserve scorn from classless armchair revolutionaries like George Clooney and Michaell Moore, but he bore their animosity with dignity and never let his convictions be swayed by fadishness.


Charlton Heston was smeared a racist and anti-Semite by the Violence Policy Center who ignored his work on behalf of equality for all and his breaking of color barriers in film including the first positive portrayals of Interracial relationships in The Omega Man.

Charlton Heston loved this country and the rights that this great republic holds dear, for that alone he deserves a place in our hearts. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to his loved ones in this time of need.

And as for Charlton Heston, we can just say thank you.


3 thoughts on “Charlton Heston was My President

  1. Why r u defending a guy thats killed tousands of you kind by supporting everyone having a gun? you r a sell out to your peopels because the nra just wants more guns in the ghetto were you come from.

  2. Spoken like a typical White liberal. Most Ghettoes are in places like NYC and L.A. where some of the toughest gun control laws in the country can be found. The results are that law abiding citizens are unable to defend themselves from the armed drug gangs largely funded by the same White liberals who promote gun control.

    At it’s heart gun control is racist, and attempt to disarm people like me so that it’d be easier to burn a cross on my lawn or lynch me. It’s the Black gun control advocates that are selling out. Just ask the Nation of Islam…

  3. Thanks for the mention of ‘Omega Man’, I believe this might have been Heston’s one and only interracial love scene. First opportunity to see it was during an auditorium movie session while in Junior High School, after that I only saw it a few times after. Very good performances all the way around. Had no idea he marched with Martin Luther King.

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