Here are clips of Bill Cosby promoting his new book on Meet the Press. If you’re Black (or half Black in my case) it’s what the blogs refer to as Red Meat, not so much because it breaks new ground but because it challenges those people, Black and White, who make a living “fighting” White Supremacy and thus have no interest in ending Black victimization. If you’re not it may seem a bit dull but watch it anyway, or you’re a racist!
Every Black person should listen to Cosby and decide for themselves if he’s right or if his critics, who claim he’s letting the “White power structure” off the hook, are going to lead Black America to a more prosperous tomorrow.
His new book is called Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors and is a must read. Bill Cosby’s official website is here and well worth a visit as well.
I may not be black, but from my family experiences and spending time on welfare as a kid, I know quite a bit about how people get so used to playing the victim, that it becomes all they know- and they never take personal responsibility over their life and move forward, so they get stuck wallowing away their years until they are old and all they can do is gripe about some wrong that was done to them decades ago. I didn’t want to wind up like my divorced parents, stuck in the past, relying on the generosity of others. I wanted to do something and contribute to America- and that should be everyone’s goal!
There comes a point when the wronged must say, “Yep, I was treated unfairly, and even hurt, but that’s not going to hold me back and I’m not going to dwell on it- I’m going to make something of myself! I’m going to do something good!” The important thing to remember is to not become bitter and make your success about revenge- because though you may wind up with money or some level of prestige, you’ll still have been dwelling on it all that time and it will have eaten you alive, just as much as if you had done nothing but stew. People who make a living on suffering- whether their own, or someone else’s are sad (Not to be confused with people who make a living sharing stories courage and inspiring others with stories of how they overcame something).
I think EVERYONE can learn something from Cosby and the messages he sends about moving forward. It’s an encouraging message that brings hope- Yes, it’s a challenge, and there is some internal and maybe some external struggle waiting for those who take it- but if people take personal responsibility and don’t despair, they can do amazing things.
Thanks for writing that, more people need to wake up and realize that they are the only people that can control their lives, and depending on the goodwill of others, especially the government, is a dead end.
It takes alot of courage to say what Bill Cosby has said about many of today’s issues. Thank you.