Almost Moving Day Light Blogging Open Thread


The Wife and I are busy packing for our big move to South Carolina on the 24th so I’ll be off the computer most of the day. For your entertainment I’ll throw out some links, or feel free to tell me what you think we should be doing at Red Alerts, or my neglected second site American Survival blog.

Then check out these links:

Been reading Mosquewatch? You should be, especially if you’re a moderate Muslim. this is the face of the American backlash against Islam that the radical Islamist will cause.

War to Mobilize Democracy has a report on anti-Semitism on college campuses that quite good.

LGF reports that the truth movement has begun infiltrating DailyKos again, even though Kos himself has warned them to stay away.

Tammy Bruce has a post about the secret amnesty being worked in congress, and the $25 million being given to La Raza. Plus killer bees!

If you’re not reading Western Hemisphere Policy Watch, Once upon a Time in the West and Babalu Blog, you’re in the dark about some of the most important issues America faces.

Aryamehr is reporting that the Islamic regime of Iran is planning to destroy Xerxes tomb!

Black and Missing but Not Forgotten should be a daily stop on your travels.

Al-Qaeda in Mexico?

Ironic Surrealism is always worth a read.

The Dissident News has some beautiful pictures of Beacon N.Y., enjoy!

Monsterfest is upon us, and with Halloween fast approaching it’s time to get up to date on all things horrific.

And I leave you with this:




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