Alfonzo Rachel on Hate

Rising Internet star and the man behind Twenty Pound Sledge speaks out on hatred, bigotry and the often asinine Free Republic in this Republican pride fest that speaks directly to the Red Alerts base. Somewhere Ronald Reagan is breathing a sigh of relief that the spirit of the GOP is still alive and well:


6 thoughts on “Alfonzo Rachel on Hate

  1. Mr Alfonso Rachel: A misguided young Black man, who continues to be enslaved by his oppressors’ ideology based on Reductio ad absurdum.

  2. That’s ridiculously racist. Republicans not only elected almost all the first Black southern legislatures (in the 1800s) and were the first party to have a Black man address our convention (also in the 1800s) but it was Republicans who fought against Jim Crow and freed the slaves.

    It’s ironic that some White douche can claim Republicans are Blacks oppressors while claiming that he “knows best” for that man.

    Why is he “misguided” for wanting lower taxes? Because cretin like you think all Blacks are on welfare even though it is FACT that most welfare recipients were White until Latinos overtook them.

    Why is he “misguided” to have conservative social views? Because racist like you see Blacks as monkeys who live immoral lifestyles. You expect Blacks to have different morals than the rest of the country so you can’t understand why Alfonso would seem so similar to Middle America.

    Why is he “misguided” for not voting for a party that denied his father civil rights?

    Why is he “misguided” because he loves his country?

    He’s not misguided he’s just thinking for himself and that’s what you can’t stand. You hate the fact that any minority would disagree with you because in typical low class Democrat fashion you think you have the right to tell Blacks what they “should” think even while you allow a holocaust by Latino gang bangers in L.A. and abort thousands of potential Black children a month.

  3. “justthefacts said,
    on November 10th, 2008 at 3:36 pm
    Mr Alfonso Rachel: A misguided young Black man, who continues to be enslaved by his oppressors’ ideology based on Reductio ad absurdum.”

    Justthefacts – if your definition of “misguided” (what a condescending term) is a man who doesn’t follow the Goose-Stepping Liberals of today and dares to have an opinion of his own then yes…he is seriously misguided.

    But…if you can break away from the Groupthink which so obviously has ensnared you and allow a man of any color or ethnicity to do some critical thinking and come to an intelligent analysis Alfonzo is an original – unlike you.

  4. you forget it was Abraham Lincoln (a Republican) who abolished slavery. He waged the costliest war in American history, one that cost 500,000 American lives. I think Alfonzo has his priorities straight.

  5. “Misguided”?

    You do realize that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican? He must have been misguided as well…

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