Drought May Begin to Disrupt Electricity for Americans

It hasn’t done so yet but historicaly droughts last about seven years so who know. From OilPrice.com:

Much business writing on the effects of the drought have focused on its agricultural aspects. To give but one, the hottest, driest summer since 1936 scorching the Midwest have diminished projected corn and soybean crop yields s in the U.S. for a third straight year to their lowest levels in nine years. Accordingly, the price of a bushel of corn has jumped 62 percent since 15 June and soybeans gained 32 percent in the same period.

But as consumers fret about the inevitable rise in food prices to come, the drought is unveiling another, darker threat to the American lifestyle, as it is now threatening U.S. electricity supplies.


Because virtually all power plants, whether they are nuclear, coal, or natural gas-fired, are completely dependent on water for cooling. Hydroelectric plants require continuous water flow to operate their turbines. Given the drought, many facilities are overheating and utilities are shutting them down or running their plants at lower capacity. Few Americans know (or up to this point have cared) that the country’s power plants account for about half of all the water used in the United States. For every gallon of residential water used in the average U.S. household, five times more is used to provide that home with electricity via hydropower turbines and fossil fuel power plants, roughly 40,000 gallons each month.

Michael Webber, associate director of the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy at the University of Texas at Austin, is under no such illusions, stating that the summer’s record high heat and drought have worked together to overtax the nation’s electrical grid, adding that families use more water to power their homes than they use from their tap. Webber said, “In summer you often get a double whammy. People want their air-conditioning and drought gets worse. You have more demand for electricity and less water available to produce it. That is what we are seeing in the Midwest right now, power plants on the edge.”

In July U.S. nuclear-power production hit its lowest seasonal levels in nine years as drought and heat forced Nuclear power plants from Ohio to Vermont to slow output. Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman David McIntyre explained, “Heat is the main issue, because if the river is getting warmer the water going into the plant is warmer and makes it harder to cool. If the water gets too warm, you have to dial back production,” McIntyre said. “That’s for reactor safety, and also to regulate the temperature of discharge water, which affects aquatic life.”

Read the rest it’s pretty scary stuff.

Supermarkets in Spain Being Looted by Socialist Thugs

Via Surviving in Argentina here’s some video of the social chaos. Since we have similar debt and currency problems and are about to be hit by one of the worst crop yields in modern history I’m betting this sort of behavior will be seen in some of our major cities where radical leftism holds sway:

This video shows formerly middle class people dumpster diving – the media here hasn’t told you things in Spain are that bad and that this is the reason we see raids on grocery stores:

Of course stealing is counter productive since grocery stores will stop operating if they are just going to be robbed. I say the odds of this happening here are 50/50.

h/t Noisy Room

OWS Blogger Starts Kill Mitt Romney Facebook Page

More tolerance from the left. A blogger neamed Joshua Scott Albert started several Facebook pages targeting politicians he dislikes including Mitt Romney. From Philly.com:

With Facebook pages including “Kill Mitt Romney,” “Kill Dick Cheney,” and “Kill Karl Rove,” the man who torched the Philadelphia restaurant scene with his incendiary “Staph Meal” blog is back in the spotlight, and this time, more than just angry chefs are paying attention.

Blogger Joshua Scott Albert, 26, recently began creating Facebook pages designed to stir controversy. Several are focused on Philadelphia: “Kill John McNesby,” the president of the local Fraternal Order of Police; “Kill Seth Williams,” Philadelphia’s district attorney; and “I Support Chancier McFarland & Rafael Jones,” the men charged with the murder of Police Officer Moses Walker Jr.

Classy right? As Zionism’s Survival points out this guy is a known Occupy Wall Street member and has posted about killing cops on his blog. He’s also a rich, White kid so a lot of this tough guy stuff is a load of crap. I hear he has a drug problem which is part of the reason for his angsty-ness and hatred of the 5-0.

So when are we going to see some stories of fine upstanding citizens supporting OWS.