WWIII Watch: Free Syrian Army Claims to Have Killed Russian General

Since Russia and their Iranian allies have been building up a military presence in Syria and America is for some unknown reason siding with the FSA this could be remembered as a flash-point for a world war:

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) announced in a statement to Al Arabiya on Wednesday that it has killed a Russian general in Syria who was working as a consultant to the Syrian defense minister and head of general staff of military affairs.

FSA said the killing of the general, Vladmir Petrovic Kojaiv, along his private translator, Ahmed Aiq, evidence that Russia was embroiled in the Syrian crisis. The rebel army said a number of documents and maps about the opposition and FSA were also seized.

The operation was conducted by its Ghota Western Brigades from Damascus along with FSA countryside forces, the rebel group said.

Not a good development if true. Pushing the Russians into open conflict will create a even greater conflict.

Stoned in Dearborn Link Roundup

A group of Christians staged a nonviolent demonstration at the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn in June and were stoned by festival attendees. The police asked the demonstrators to leave instead of protecting them against the violence.

I originally came across this story at the Detroit Free Press. The author, Niraj Warikoo, put the usual Freep spin on the truth not mentioning the violent reaction of the Muslims, though he does mention some water bottles and pop cans being thrown and that “one boy then spilled some water on the missionary.”

I responded with this comment and a link to a video:

“I don’t support this Christian group but as per usual the Freep doesn’t tell the whole story. Here is another article with video. You can clearly see that the Christians are standing around holding signs and it’s the Muslims who start throwing things. http://dearborn.patch.com/articles/protestors-seek-to-disrupt-arab-international-festival#video-10336278”

That video I originally posted in my comment doesn’t show the reaction of the “religion of peace” as well as this one.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBaTVwIJH-E]


And surprise, I was called a bigot by a woman who left this comment with all the usual liberal name calling, condescension and obfuscation you would expect:

“It’s called “ethnic intimidation”, darling! How *else* are people supposed to react?  Furthermore, bigot, those perverts are about as peaceful as a pack of wild animals. Their hate was out there for all to see, precious! I wonder if you’d feel the same if people like them used the same tactics against YOUR church!”

Why is it that liberal women can never see how anti-feminist their language is to conservative women?  And not only does this mental giant seem to assume I’m a Christian, but she clearly has a problem with reading comprehension as I stated in the beginning of my comment that I don’t support the Christian group. I was simply calling out the Freep for not stating all the facts.

I appreciate that no one wants people telling them they’re going to hell at their celebration. But this was a public event and the Christians had a right to their demonstration as long as they were nonviolent. I don’t go to church but I remember Christians making similar statements at a new-age/Pagan convention in the Metro Detroit area many years ago. The attendees yelled back. They didn’t stone the Christians. They knew American law, which is something that us so-called bigots are considered egregiously hateful for expecting Muslims in this country to know and respect as well.

In fact, there have been plenty of times I’ve peacefully dealt with Christians stating their opinion, sometimes even hatefully so.  I didn’t even punch a Jehovah’s Witness chick who tried to stuff pamphlets in my car window while I was pulling out of my parking spot.  And one might even consider that stepping over the line of sharing her opinion into the area of messing with my private property.  But I’m not crazy violent so I just drove away.  No stones were involved.

The Blaze has more video of the stoning.  American Thinker and Front Page Magazine have more on this story. Jihad Watch and Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs have more info on the civil rights suit being filed by the Christians.

E.T. Williams of Whatever Happened to Common Sense on YouTube asks why the media is silent on this and we all know the answer.

Farmageddon – The Truth About the Food and Dairy Industry

As I have finally accepted the Crunchy Con label though I hate the images that term brings up I find myself more and more interested in the sovietization of our food industry by the corporatism alliance of large agricultural and livestock concerns and clueless bureaucrats. Ironically it was that very issue, and my interest in individual self-reliance, that pushed me into the non-Red version of being “green” but that’s an essay for another day.

Farmageddon, though clearly made by and aimed by people who consider themselves liberals, illustrates nicely the problem with our political food production system. Conservative will note that many of the most onerous and heavy handed attacks on small farms and consumer rights come from solidly blue states but the movie really doesn’t get into that which will no doubt irk many. However every American should watch this movie to understand why taking the “green” movement away from urban liberals who are complicit in the sovietization of farming and ranching needs to be a priority for all Americans.

Liberal Childishness Link Round-Up

Sometimes I just don’t know what to say about the behavior of the “sophisticated, intellectual elite” that make up the American left. That much of liberalism has become a holding tank for the patholgically immature since the New Left of the 60s has never been more obvious than it was in the last couple of weeks.

The story of Adam Smith is the most obvious starting point. He is both a CFO for a national company and an adjunct professor. This is what he thinks is adult behavior:

Nice right? But he’s no worse than a bunch of other liberals who were in the news:

In Colorado a couple have been trying to get squatters out of a house they own for months, and now the squatters have filed for bankruptcy stopping legal eviction. The squatters have been helped by lefty websites set up to help people steal foreclosed homes.

MoveOn.org has an ad out attacking Ann Romney … and her horse.

Think Progress ran a story claiming global warming was melting streetlights in Oklahoma. They used a picture of melted streetlights that were damaged by a large fire nearby.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee twice issued statements claiming a billionaire named Sheldon Adelson donated money to Republicans he earned from running a Chinese prostitution ring. Surprise! They admitted it was a lie.

In England a 24-year-old pot smoker got high while her kids sat in an overflowing bath. When one dies she tried framing the other for murder. Those sophisticated Brits the left loves so much gave her a tough 36-month sentence.

The Boston Globe ran a tough hard hitting piece of investigative journalism dealing with Mitt Romney’s high school report card.

A bunch of old hippies shut down a nuke plant by breaking in and using HUMAN BLOOD to write graffiti inside. I guess they miss the good old days with the Manson Family.

Rosanne Barr claimed that members of the military and their families were “on the dole” just like people on welfare.

Mike Rios, a member of the school board in Moreno Valley, California is out on bail awaiting trial for murder. He’s also been charged with pimping, rape and fraud. He’s just filed papers to run for the city council were he hopes to “fight corruption”

Huffington Post claims trying to stop Chik-fil-a COO Dan Cathy from expressing his opinion isn’t a First Amendment issue.

I posted these because liberal told me recently that they were tired of being the adults in America.