The “Where’s Naomi Wolf Now?” Link Round-Up

Remember when Naomi Wolf wrote a whole book dedicated to convincing 9/11 truthers that they should vote Democrat? She promoted it by running around giving soundbites that made people like Alex Jones spontaneously orgasm? Well where is Wolf now?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it is obvious that the hard left is trying to run a covert coup on our system. Where’s Wolf and all these other “freedom fighters” now that Obama is turning America into Cuba light?

Authorities in Missouri released a report on “right wing” terrorists that are plaguing our country. You know, because radical right wingers are a huge threat to America? How do you know if one of these “wingnuts” is a dangerous potential terrorist? Ron Paul bumper stickers.  Read the report yourself (in pdf format) and be chilled to the bone. Paulnuts are rightfully worried.

Despite the fact that AIG executives’ families are being threatened Barney Frank has said he won’t keep their names secret. We now have a Democrat congressman (who is himself at the center of the financial mess) threatening private citizens’ families with death as part of the political discourse. I’m not the only person who is worried.

ACORN has been exposed as a “mob-style protection racket” but the President will give them”a role” in the 2010 census. This is a ploy to protect Democrats who are losing popular support.

United States Army personnel were deployed in Alabama illegally during the recent tragic shooting spree. As of now no one in government will explain how this happened or even who ordered it.Think about that for a second. Army troops were deployed illegally and reporters cannot even find out who gave the orders.

NASA Scientist James Hanson has just gone on record saying the democratic process “isn’t working” to address climate change, so “direct action” is needed.

The government is moving to destroy small farms and leave all food production in the hands of a few corporations. They are also set to reward the complicit media for their propagandizing for Obama by allowing failing newspapers to break anti-trust laws.

Look, I’m not a believer in F.E.M.A. camps, the Illuminati, Mind Control etc. What I am a believer in is truth. A couple of years ago we let people like Naomi Wolf claim we on the right were fascists secretly taking over the country, that Bush would never step down from power, that America and Capitalism were evil. Now that Obama is in charge, where is Wolf? Where are the lefties who claimed Bush would misuse the military to stay in power and work to corrupt elections?

They knew Bush wouldn’t do that, that he would retire and let the next President come in. Then they stepped in and began doing exactly those things they pretended to be afraid of. If you’re a crazed conspiracy theorist, you’ve been had by Wolf and company, you helped legitimize a communist coup that is sweeping our country into Sovietism.