The Sunday Afternoon “I Answer Email” Link Round-Up

I’ve been putzing around all day and not working, and yesterday I spent most of the day restaurant hopping (and eating some of the best BBQ in South Carolina) so I’m just not feeling it. I’m on a quest to find me some more BBQ so I figure I’ll just answer some emails as a blogpost. I call this a Leah Remini:

Yes, I saw the Glenn Beck freak-out video and it’s awesome. Via Hot Air:


Yes, I support the Honduran military “coup” which was in actuality the military keeping the Honduran Constitution safe. Here’s a great article that nutshells it from Big Hollywood.  Gateway Pundit has a piece on Zelayna being caught fixing the election. The MSM is noticeably quiet on this. Fausta has the best coverage of this situation.

No, I don’t believe Larry Summers about the stimulus. His entire argument is based around Google search numbers.

Yes, Democrats are more racist than Republicans. Here’s a great post from Black and Right that shows examples of racism on DailyKos, Huffington Post and Democratic Underground that are both copious and recent.

I haven’t had time to write about Sotomayor’s (tenuous) connection to NAMBLA. My buddy Velvet Hammer has a post up about it which is good. I think Sotomayor is simply a stooge for radicals she knows nothing about.

I’m a big fan of both Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs. And I did notice that I was mentioned on Jihad Watch and am honored by it. I will get back into Counter Jihad blogging soon.

Lost in Lima, Ohio was one of the best crime blogs and I hope Lilo comes back soon.

Yes, I know Trench Reynolds will be quoted in Maxim while I dwell in obscurity.

American Survival Blog is not updated because we are re-tooling and planning the launch of a website with wider interest but that will also fold in survival related material.

I understand the Boycott Amazon movement, but right now we simply can’t afford to be part of that.

Team Sarah has a Conservative Pagans for Palin group.I think that would be a great place to start a more open Conservative/Libertarian Pagan movement. And yes I’m still working on a book on Conservative Paganism, but I’m behind schedule. The Pagan Temple and Hecate’s Crossroads are two great Pagan blogs righties and Second Amendment supporters respectively will feel comfortable with.

I in point of fact don’t drink alcohol, and only take aspirin or over the counter pain relievers.

If you don’t get an email back from me it’s because I get about two-three hundred a day on three different email accounts concerning several different sites. I appreciate all your tips and comments. You can also catch up with me on Facebook (I finally broke down and got one)

See, I answer emails. It just can take a little while.

6 thoughts on “The Sunday Afternoon “I Answer Email” Link Round-Up

  1. Pingback: Fausta’s Blog » Blog Archive » Honduras: Zelaya moves his “ultimatum” to July 24

  2. Rob,

    I’m so looking forward to your conservative Pagan book. We are in dire need of one. Thanks for all these great links. I have my reading cut out for me.:) Enjoy the BBQ search. I might break down and get a Facebook account now too.

  3. It literally hurt me to get on FB but you’re almost expected to have one nowadays. I hate social networking sites, but their a necessary evil.

  4. I don’t know how comfortable people on the right feel coming on my site during Sabbats or when I get on these tangents encouraging leftists to get abortions, but thanks for the shout out..

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