Overwhelmed by News Link Round-Up (Plus Tila Tequila)

The news has been pretty wild in the last couple of days and I’ll never catch up with this cycle so here’s a selection of stories I’m following and may blog about more in depth later:

The Arkansas Recruiting Center Shooter was apparently being watched by the F.B.I. He admitted to killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula for “political reasons” as in he was driven to do it by Keith Olbermann (if we were to use Olberdouche’s logic) and has pled not guilty even though he’s admitted to shooting the men. Carlos Bledsoe a.k.a. Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad went to Yemen to study Jihadist theology with the same group that tutored Philly cop killer Howard Cain, where he was detained for fraudulently using a Somali passport.

Speaking of Philly, a “flash mob” of hundreds of teens ranging from 14-17 used MySpace and Twitter to orchestrate a violent riot in South Philadelphia. The teens carjacked a cab and drove it into a tree, pulled two women from a car and viciously beat and robbed them and generally were free to cause as much mayhem and bloodshed as possible because they overwhelmed local law enforcement with numbers. Aside from a very obvious illustration as to why you should be prepared to defend yourself (the police were powerless to stop the mob) this is a sign of things to come this summer as the rule of law breaks down in American cities.

Also in Philly, 26-year-old career degenerate Jose Carrasquillo was on the receiving end of some much deserved street justice after allegedly raping an 11-year-old girl. The rape was so violent the girl required surgery.

Billy Bob Thorton’s estranged daughter Amanda Brumfield was arrested for the death of a 1-year-old she was babysitting. The child died of blunt force trauma. Brumfield is saying the baby hit her head but the mother isn’t buying it.

Tank Girl star Lori Petty was arrested and charged with felony DUI. Felony DUIs are usually issued when injuries are involved.

The American educational system has spit out 50 million functional illiterates despite spending more on education per student than any other country.

The mother of missing little girl Nevaeh Buchanan was known to pal around with two different sex offenders, one of whom she called “father figure” to the child. Here’s a video the worst mother on earth explaining why this is no big deal.

The DOJ is demanding that Georgia stop making voters prove they’re Americans.

Gretawire is reporting that George and Cindy Anthony chased a carload of women around who had placed a memorial cross on the site where Caylee Anthony was found. From the reports it looks as if Caylee’s grandparents had been waiting until nightfall to remove any memorials left. This carload of women laid in wait to see who was removing their crosses and got a picture of them doing it, prompting the chase. Weird.

Yeah, that’s a depressing list. Here’s something fun. Tila Tequila is now officially a Republican so the 11th commandment is in effect. Welcome to the party kid:


Show your support by buying her new t-shirts. If you’re a Republican you pretty much have to. Of course as a fellow Republican I’m sure she’ll put up an affiliate link in the future so hard working bloggers can partake in some free enterprise…