Some Americans are taken with Barack Obama’s Hope-n-Change fever but the economy and the world community aren’t jumping on the band wagon. The dollar’s collapsing, our allies are leaving us and civilization itself seems to be on the brink of collapse. Where’s your Messiah now Democrats?
Dore Gold predicts Iran will provide a nuclear umbrella to Jihadists that will allow them to act with impunity:
“The whole point of George W. Bush’s decision to remove the Taliban after 9/11 was to send a very clear message: ‘You attack the American homeland and we will take down your regime.’
“But fast forward to 2012. Iran has operational nuclear weapons that can strike deep into Europe, and eventually towards the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Will the U.S., U.K., and NATO as a whole have the same freedom of maneuver to say to states that support terrorism, ‘We will take you down if you attack us?’
“Will the U.S. Congress authorize sending forces abroad against a state armed with nuclear weapons? In other words, the entire balance in the war on terror shifts, because the state that is the largest global sponsor of terrorism today now has nuclear capabilities . . .
“This nuclear umbrella of Iran will unfurl and will be able to provide protection, not just to Shiite Hezbollah, but to Sunni organizations such as al-Qaida and Hamas.”
Cuba is sending operatives to U.S. embassies to conduct misinformation campaigns. They started this program right after 9/11 but it has continued up to this day even though Obama “unclenched his fist” at the regime.
France has become so disenchanted with perceived insults by Obama that they are rethinking their strategic relationship with us:
 PARIS (Reuters) – French President Nicolas Sarkozy, initially dubbed Sarko the American for his pro-U.S. stance, is finding it much tougher to deal with Washington than he had anticipated and is recalibrating his policies accordingly.
Stung by perceived snubs from U.S. President Barack Obama and encouraged by the growing importance of the G20, Sarkozy is increasingly reaching out to non-aligned states in an effort to extend France’s international influence.
He has forged especially close ties with Brazil, is seeking alliances in central Asia and is intensifying his activities in the Middle East, using multi-billion dollar military and civilian nuclear trade deals as his calling card.
These initiatives are being played out against a discordant tone in Franco-American relations. This lack of harmony does not constitute a crisis, but is nonetheless raising eyebrows.
Asian nations are looking to form a European Union style political and economic bloc which will challenge American interest in the region. They are also floating the idea of reducing trade ties with the United States.
Morale of troops in Afghanistan is falling fast and the Afghans themselves are questioning Obama’s commitment to victory and America’s reliability as an ally.
President Obama was burned in effigy by Muslims in Kabul.
The United Nations is launching a human rights investigation of the United States. The issue will be America’s violation of human rights by not providing state run affordable housing to all – in other words we’re on trial for not embracing Communism. Via Breitbart:
Bank failures have hit 106 and “many” more remain weak.
Democrats leave door open for ACORN and similar communist organizations to have influence over financial regulations.
Capmark Financial Group has filed for Chapter 11! From Bloomberg:
Capmark is one of the largest U.S. commercial real estate finance companies, with more than $10 billion in originations, according to Moody’s Investors Service. The company, formerly known as GMAC Commercial Holding Corp., services more than $360 billion of debt.
The Horsham, Pennsylvania-based company has struggled as the default rate on commercial mortgages held by U.S. banks more than doubled to the highest since 1994. Capmark said on Sept. 2 that it may reorganize under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.
From Reuters:
Mohsin Meghji, chief restructuring officer of Capmark, said: “The Chapter 11 process will give Capmark the opportunity to restructure our balance sheet while continuing to focus on maximizing value for our principal stakeholders. Over the past months, Capmark has engaged in extensive and constructive negotiations with our primary creditor constituencies to reach agreement on a plan of restructuring. We expect to complete this effort over the coming months.”
Capmark`s subsidiaries filing for Chapter 11 protection include Capmark Finance Inc.; Capmark Capital Inc.; Capmark Equity Investments, Inc.; Mortgage Investments, LLC; Net Lease Acquisition LLC; SJM Cap, LLC; Capmark Affordable Equity Holdings Inc.; Capmark REO Holding LLC; Summit Crest Ventures, LLC; Capmark Affordable Equity Inc. and 33 other Low Income Housing Tax Credit entities.
The dollar has lost its reserve status to the Yen and Euro. The value of the U.S. dollar has decreased by 10% in the last three months. Peter Schiff says it’s time to get out of the dollar. Salty language warning:
23 states have reported higher unemployment in September.
7,000 people a day lose unemployment benefits without having found new gainful employment.
Seven months after the stimulus 49 out of 50 states have lost jobs.
Possible credit dislocation on the horizon.
Falling tax revenue forces New York to delay $959 billion payment into its pension fund.
The housing bubble is being re-inflated.
Conditions are in place for oil to pass $100 a barrel.
I guess America can’t live on hope and change after all.
h/t Drudge, SurvivalBlog, WhenSHTF forums and Refuge